22 August 2008

Thursday night

Went out for a night of drinking, music, and good times at Memphis and the Gypsy tonight.

I got a ride home with a gay Mexican... poor guy I hope he picks up a gay guy next time!!

Passsssss out time...


<3 <3 <3

20 August 2008


Brilliant, extraordinary, and seductively inspiring.

I love when a movie of this caliber sneaks by me and 8 years later I watch it at the perfect time. Another perfect Fairy Tale.

God I am so glad I had a chunk of dark chocolate tonight.

Thought of the other day.

Our live are ALWAYS the best stories and are only noticed at the right time of reflection.

There is nothing uninteresting, boring, or mundane about life.

Read your story right.

05 August 2008

The Sky is on Fire with a Cool Summer Wind

Tonight I took a well deserved break.

I worked hard all day, went to the gym, grabbed some El Pollo, and brought it home to eat. I know it was a cheapo meal, but do you ever feel like you just ate the perfect amount of food for dinner? It was just right... Go El Pollo meals under $5 menu.

After milling about my house and checking my email I took an opportunity to relax. I went to my car grabbed a cigarette, took the elevator up to my place and poured a 1/4" of good tequila in a glass. I took my smoke and my glass out to my dark patio high above Spurgeon Street and I sat in our wooden chair at our wooden table.

I sat as I lit my cigarette and took a deep breath after enjoying a warming sip of my anejo tequila. Two palm trees are at 12 o'clock that tower a good 30' above me all the way up here, and the quarter moon was bright at 2 o'clock. There are two other palms at 3:30 that twin the others in height and beauty, and they all slightly swayed in the calm summer breeze that was floating in the summer air. I could tell that it was exactly 9:30pm as Disneyland's fireworks began to pop at 5 o'clock right over the Santa Ana Corporate complex in bright yellows, reds, and blues. Cars drove by below as I traded glances at the fireworks, the moon, the palms, and my patio just thinking about how blessed I am.

I get to enjoy the place I live. I live in a beautiful state, city, county, Street, apartment. I am not very far from work. I enjoy what I do for work, and I still have time to reflect, exercise, and write. I am not far from my family, and I have some really good friends that I can call any time to just enjoy times like these with me.

There is one thing that has been pressing my mind this week: Don't stop.

I think too often for fear of being overwhelmed or exasperated I stop. I call it relaxing, but it is not relaxing. Tonight was relaxing. Stressing out and procrastinating is not relaxing it is stopping. Stopping your movement. There is too much awesome things to do to just stop. Like last night for instance. Instead of sitting at home and stopping I played guitar by bon fire at the beach and grabbed a drink with a good friend. Sure, I worked all day, sure I had to drive all the way to CDM, but it was worth it. It was relaxing, it was relieving, it was recreation. RE-CREATION. There are so many activities that bring me alive so why stop for fear of being over-active? It is when you stop you get sick, tired, bored, sad, depressed, and lonely. Relaxing is intentionally focusing on relaxation. Treating yourself. Enjoying the simple pleasures of life.

Take a night off. If you need help relaxing, come relax with me!