29 December 2008

Music has the ability to make us feel. Much of the music I have heard over the duration on my life makes a point to look at life though rosy colored glasses making the grimmest of situations, emotions, feelings seem good. Some artists go over the top, some fall short, but in the case of Barrett Johnson's, In Case I Went Missing, I would say he plays it just right.

In a time when the simplicity of music can be lost so easily in the studio, Barrett plays simply, speaks softly, and writes honestly. I have trouble comparing his music to that of Travis or the softer side of Coldplay because his substance is approachable and realistic to me, but sonically the similarities are there. The acoustic sound with plenty of layered vocals and instrumental arrangements contain a delicate interplay that makes several of the songs worth listening to on repeat.

This album has literally been the highlight of my musical journey this year. Perhaps because I feel it hits so close to home or perhaps because I know how great of a guy Barrett is, but regardless this gem is worthy of attention. Plus, if you want to feel really cool, you can go to any number of his shows in the LA/OC area and meet some incredibly fantastic people. Not to mention, the ever-wonderful Billy Kernkamp or Billy with The Last Campfire.

Always worth the night out. Always. Always. Always.

By the way, I know by know you are wondering how much I get paid for this, (answer: zero), but if you have a desire to look cool while you feel cool out on the town or at one of these shows. I highly recommend you stop by Billy's Vintage clothing store Denim Blue located in Huntington Beach on the North side of Beach Blvd. between Ellis and Talbert. It is by far the most plesant place I have ever shopped, hung out, been groped, etc.

She's a Good Girl

There is nothing that can stop it
Nothing can be done
Exhiliaration blanks the mind
Blinds the eyes
Deafens the ears
Sensory overload
Adrenaline is pumping
All the while falling
This is the beginning

15 December 2008


Nothing Floods my soul and fills me with gratitude like a good rain.

I am never more content then when it is raining. The more firece the storm the more excitement. I am part of it and it is a part of me.

The proof and truth of the complete lack of control I have over a world that is sustained by something far outside of itself.

02 December 2008

Color Quiz

ColorQuiz.comJustin took the free ColorQuiz.com personality test!

"Intense, vital, and animated, taking a delight in ..."

Click here to read the rest of the results.

25 November 2008

Dry Eyes

I missed something
I wish I forgot
What I knew I wanted
What I did not

I want you
in the rain
I want you despite your pain
I want you
in the rain

A night gone by
A longing still plain
I'll keep my light on
Sleep in silent strain

I want you
in the rain
I want you despite my pain
I want you in the rain

No pleasure here
I'll sleep alone
Shifting subtly and without gain
The sky taps out a soft refrain

I want you
in the rain

10 November 2008

The Final Word

So I received a few responses to my last rebuttal to Prop 8 some less scathing then others, but none as convincing as they were patronizing.

Every law that exists today that has given marriage any legal protection, any tax benefit, and a spouse any right has been supported by a group of people. All bills are sponsored, drafted, proposed, defined and voted on, and as we can all see this is no easy process. So all the religious groups, and non religious people who are pro-marriage have laid the foundation legally over several years struggling through issues such as interracial marriage, marriage age limitations, and all the other insanities that are packed in to the legal infrastructure of what we call marriage. To most people its just about finding someone and being bound to them, but we easily take for granted how much work has been put in to make a marriage a legal entity for each couple.

Regardless of how I feel now about how America can take something so simple and make it in to something so arduous and prolific; the word as defined is rooted in our culture, is required to be taught about in schools, and is defined by our world in one way. Between a man and a woman. It does not matter whether you think this right or wrong... that is how it is. I do not believe it is rational or fair to just pretend that we can just slip a completely anatomically, socially, and otherwise different definition of marriage into the existing system. Especially when this particular definition of marriage is considered unacceptable to the interest groups who worked to define it in the first place.

Now before you blow a gasket... realize something. If civil unions are not equal to marriage, which I have heard mixed messages about, then I believe the gay community should have the courage to fight for equality. They should lay the infrastructure, they should sponsor the bills, and they should fight for their unions to be identified for what they are. I would support that. Sure they are the minority, and sure it will be hard, but that is the war story of any noble cause. This is America we have the freedom to fight for our rights. If the gay community would accomplish that feat then how dare anyone say that a civil union is less then a marriage. I believe gay couples share that level of love and commitment, and deserve legal rights.

So say what you will about red herring issues such as segregation, and cry all you want about how you are a second class citizen. Its all drama, and in my mind all bullshit. How dare anyone get so upset about something that involves all of us without having some rational solutions to the issue.

The people who spent their lives making marriage when it is today and other people who believe homosexuality is immoral (yes they exist whether you like it or not) are having THEIR rights infringed upon, their liberties attacked, and their lives affected.

So stop being angry for 5 seconds and think about a few solutions that we can all work on. Solutions that will be progressive, loving, and will lead to an answer. I'm not on here saying I am right! I just want people to talk, rationally, reasonably, and without judgment and condemnation. I can handle your venom, but I would rather learn something.

08 November 2008

Art School Girlfriend

Originally uploaded by jdddogg
This was one of my favorite pieces at the Hurley Art show last night. It was done by Antonio Lewington called "Zappa."

30 October 2008

I'm Already Dead

According to the Bible's Old Testament God judged and destroyed many people. His judgement was brought upon Sodom and Gomorrah for many reasons. One reason in particular, which was deemed Biblically an abomination in more then one account was homosexuality. How could God do such a thing? The horror.

I don't understand God. I don't understand his motives. I don't know how he sees an abomination versus a white lie or petty theft. I believe he is judgement, he is emotion, he is the one who created it all. I do not believe that he enjoyed destroying his beloved creation, but he did destroy those people. I do believe in fact that if God could be limited to despise carrying out such an action that he would have.

If you do not believe in God or if you do not believe in a God who would do that then there is nothing I can tell you. I will not tell anyone what to believe. All I can say is what I believe.

God loves homosexuals. God made them knowing full well their lives would turn out the way they turn out. I do not understand this, but this I believe. If it is the Bible that tells me so then so be it, but for me it is more. These are my beliefs, and I cannot agree or passively agree with what I feel God disagrees with.

I am voting Yes on Proposition 8 because I feel in my heart that there need be no provision to sustain or support what has been said to be an abomination. This hurts my feelings, this hurts my mind, and this hurts my soul because I care for homosexual people and I want to live in harmony with everyone. I want to love and be loved regardless of my actions and my decisions, but regardless of right and wrong I will not promote any amendment to an institution such as marriage with those who have no respect for its sanctity. Homosexual or heterosexual. I will promote the reestablishment of an amendment that supports this case, and I will do so this Tuesday.

15 October 2008

See you soon.

Make me a villain, the one you despise.
Ignore all the passion and longing and hide.
Put out the fire that burns deep inside.

Should I shut the door and go while you sigh?
A kiss from a friend to just say good bye.
Is better then parting and wondering why.

12 October 2008

This is for all of us.

The business of destroying dreams will leave one void and dreamless.

Paradigms shift. They cannot be destroyed only gradually changed.

Stop trying to destroy the American dream. Change it, shift it, and live it.

The values that you believe fuel the virtues that you embody which drive the world in which we live in.

What are your values? Where do you get them from? Where will they take us?

09 October 2008


am in a permanent dream.

I wake up for seconds at a time to focus on certain tasks.

05 October 2008

Slow Suicide With Silver Bullets

Life Lesson:

Good people attract good people.
Hoppin Hipsters attract hoppin hipsters.
Bumpin' gangstas attract bumpin gangstas.
Artist attract other artists.
Rockers attract rockers.
The business elite attract business elites.
Shitty people attract other shitty people.

I am happy to have a eclectic mix of all of these in my life, and, on the same note, perfectly content to lay in my room and listen to music all day long.

Much love to all the people I know out there.

30 September 2008

Who Needs a Woman?

Writing my forlorn lover; my ever longing. The one I elude as I am often eluded.

To write voluntarily is a leisure for some, impossible for others, but necessary for me. It is something I desire to faithfully embrace.

I slowly massage my page with each random phrase. Reminding, recording, and informing. The top feels the kisses of my unending desire. Slowly I move down to the neck and arouse hidden feelings, passions, and emotions. With a tender touch of the collar I feel humanity and structure. Each deep breath unlocks another minute of accelerating rapture and excitement. The breasts define the mystery of difference between our worlds. It is the mystery that constantly intrigues me and draws my attention away from myself. The ribs are origin and the stomach sustenance, which resemble the unfound, the unseen, and the always longed for. I reach for the naval, which is the tunnel of connection to the past surrounded by the bones that birth the future. I find below the intimate areas that define all pleasure, perseverance, and power. All the time knowing that the legs and arms that carry out all action are wrapped around me. Holding me close. Forever.

24 September 2008

Put that lazy bastard out of my misery.

Every morning around 5:30am there is an individual who drives a Gold Minivan down our street. This person apparantly picks someone up who lives across the street from my house. Mind you, I am on the 5th floor over looking this street, and every morning this lazy bastard honks their horn at least 10 times beween 5:30am-6am.

It has woken me a few times, and I have easily drifted back to sleep only being casually annoyed. Yesterday was the horn that broke the camels back. I was up at 5am listening to that ass honk his stupid minivan. I vowed to do something about it because there is no way I am the only person annoyed by this. So I went to my fridge.

I picked up a hefty Roma Tomato... still too ripe would for sure break or crack a window, and then I realized that eggs are God's gift to the prankster. I grabbed one, chucked it, and missed. He had won that round.

However, today just before 6am I was awoken by that minivan bastard again. This time I was focused. Grabbed an egg, went out to my balcony, and nailed his rear passenger side window with a huge thud. Heart racing I casually strode by my roomate, who probably came out to stop me, and said, "got em."

I went back to bed, heart pounding, as I listened to the bastard drive away honking his horn down the street like an injured animal. I drifted back to sleep.

I may not have solved the problem, but hey, if he likes to wake me up there are plenty of more eggs where that one came from.

22 September 2008

AY Yi Yi

I think it is funny when I look back at a blog I wrote and go "damn."

I often think in cartoon sounds.

I miss roller skating, but I would never just go out and do it... and going to a rink by yourself is the creepiest thing in the world.

I am addicted to cardio classes at the gym, and I am often the only male in the room. You would think that would increase the odds, but not so much.

I like when I feel lighthearted because it dosen't happen often.

Burn After Reading was pleasantly disturbing. Brad Pit and George Cloony were amazing, and the entire premise and conclusion of the movie were completely appropriate.

Sometimes life is a complete clusterfuck.

11 September 2008


How are people so full of shit?
I am who I am.
I speak the truth about who I am.
Take or leave it.
Leave it?
I will still pick up the tab.
Because fuck you.

09 September 2008

Easy Does It

I am playing music at The Break tomorrow night. The Break is a high school youth group affiliated with Seaside Community Church in Huntington Beach; the same group I attended as a high schooler and played at for about 3 years. I will be playing bass along side Aaron Mc Brearty and Brian Dishon for sure... perhaps more people will be there. Aaron asked me today if I wanted to play a song and I opted for bass. Life has changed so much.

I hope that tomorrow night something will happen in me that will cause me to desire to play a song. I always have enjoyed leading, but at this point I can't think of a song to play. I was thinking about it today, and all I could think of was talking to these kids, and this is the gist of what I wanted to say.

You must learn. (Thank you KRS1) If you are always listening to the person in the pulpit and not processing the thought, not understanding the meaning, and not acting out what YOU believe you are defeating the reason the whole production is arranged in the first place. Most people are raised and told by their parents in so many ways how to live, what to do, and where to go. Then we get palmed off to teachers at school, usually against our will, who do the same thing. Then we go to church and listen to a regular person explain how they feel, how they interpret the Bible, and how they have come to understand the meanings of life. I don't believe that method is sufficient. I have studied preaching and teaching, the Bible, Ministry, cultural ideologies, and people and I know for a fact that teachers and preachers always rely on their gut when it comes down to it. Are you willing to let another's experience, another's vision, another's feelings dictate your own? Many people are. It transfers the responsibility of living your life off of you and on to someone else who will eventually disappear from your life. When they go away, your grid disappears, and all you have left is the remnants of a tattered map of how to live littering your memories. Same with school... I have tons of algebraic debris in my mind and yes it has added to me and has been somewhat useful in certain ways, but if the concepts were my own, something I understood, something I applied they would be useful more to me. So I don't say, "stop going to church there is no point," I say take advantage of the fortune you have to have a consistent flow of communication, an extracurricular learning environment that is geared for your soul, a group of people you supposedly can rely on, and make those things yours.

I have spent far too long agonizing over the loss of these things in my own life. I am blessed because I made my church my own, and not only I reap the benefits but all those who see that ember in my eye. I have moved on in my life, but that doesn't stop me from coming back. I do not fear judgement, hypocrisy, or condemnation I just have a different path now. I drink on occasion to have a good time, I smoke cigarettes casually, I enjoy being around the ladies, and that is who I am. I don't think it is wrong, and I don't need to explain it.

If you believe that God loves everyone for who they are then believe that he loves me. I don't need to prove it... I am just blessed enough to know it. He created my foul mouth, my silly brain, and everything else. At least I use what I have been given. Gotta play the cards you are dealt. Fortunately I come equipped with Aces up my sleeves, at least I think they are Aces.

04 September 2008


Permanent psychological procrastinators
Postmortem pencil pushers
Pillaging pensive pages
Pushing presumptive projectiles
Peeling pale pigments of posthumous pride
Pining people's presumptions permanently
Pious perverted protectors of personal protagonists

22 August 2008

Thursday night

Went out for a night of drinking, music, and good times at Memphis and the Gypsy tonight.

I got a ride home with a gay Mexican... poor guy I hope he picks up a gay guy next time!!

Passsssss out time...


<3 <3 <3

20 August 2008


Brilliant, extraordinary, and seductively inspiring.

I love when a movie of this caliber sneaks by me and 8 years later I watch it at the perfect time. Another perfect Fairy Tale.

God I am so glad I had a chunk of dark chocolate tonight.

Thought of the other day.

Our live are ALWAYS the best stories and are only noticed at the right time of reflection.

There is nothing uninteresting, boring, or mundane about life.

Read your story right.

05 August 2008

The Sky is on Fire with a Cool Summer Wind

Tonight I took a well deserved break.

I worked hard all day, went to the gym, grabbed some El Pollo, and brought it home to eat. I know it was a cheapo meal, but do you ever feel like you just ate the perfect amount of food for dinner? It was just right... Go El Pollo meals under $5 menu.

After milling about my house and checking my email I took an opportunity to relax. I went to my car grabbed a cigarette, took the elevator up to my place and poured a 1/4" of good tequila in a glass. I took my smoke and my glass out to my dark patio high above Spurgeon Street and I sat in our wooden chair at our wooden table.

I sat as I lit my cigarette and took a deep breath after enjoying a warming sip of my anejo tequila. Two palm trees are at 12 o'clock that tower a good 30' above me all the way up here, and the quarter moon was bright at 2 o'clock. There are two other palms at 3:30 that twin the others in height and beauty, and they all slightly swayed in the calm summer breeze that was floating in the summer air. I could tell that it was exactly 9:30pm as Disneyland's fireworks began to pop at 5 o'clock right over the Santa Ana Corporate complex in bright yellows, reds, and blues. Cars drove by below as I traded glances at the fireworks, the moon, the palms, and my patio just thinking about how blessed I am.

I get to enjoy the place I live. I live in a beautiful state, city, county, Street, apartment. I am not very far from work. I enjoy what I do for work, and I still have time to reflect, exercise, and write. I am not far from my family, and I have some really good friends that I can call any time to just enjoy times like these with me.

There is one thing that has been pressing my mind this week: Don't stop.

I think too often for fear of being overwhelmed or exasperated I stop. I call it relaxing, but it is not relaxing. Tonight was relaxing. Stressing out and procrastinating is not relaxing it is stopping. Stopping your movement. There is too much awesome things to do to just stop. Like last night for instance. Instead of sitting at home and stopping I played guitar by bon fire at the beach and grabbed a drink with a good friend. Sure, I worked all day, sure I had to drive all the way to CDM, but it was worth it. It was relaxing, it was relieving, it was recreation. RE-CREATION. There are so many activities that bring me alive so why stop for fear of being over-active? It is when you stop you get sick, tired, bored, sad, depressed, and lonely. Relaxing is intentionally focusing on relaxation. Treating yourself. Enjoying the simple pleasures of life.

Take a night off. If you need help relaxing, come relax with me!

19 July 2008


This week I went to El Torito (AKA expensivo comida de fake-o Mexicano) with a group of people from my work to welcome a new employee to our sister company FormDecor Modern Furniture Rental. It is a rare occasion when we all get to go to lunch, but usually a good one. I am fortunate to work with some people that are pretty cool. This is one of my first experiences working with people who are generally near my age bracket as opposed to banking and bus driving where I was always the baby.

Anyway, over lunch I was trying to communicate in HORRIBLE Spanish with a couple of FD employees who work in our shop. Neither one of them speak a touch of English, but they are good workers and I always throw out a que onda? to one of them on a weekly basis. Somehow it came out that I live in Santa Ana and play music, and through our HR manager I had a brief conversation with one of the workers. He also plays music and lives in Santa Ana. So naturally I thought to invite him and his buddy to the Gypsy Den to hear Cynthia and I play some music. He responded indifferently and indicated that he would not be welcome in a place like the Gypsy Den because it was too white of a place for him to go. So, feeling a little misunderstood I brushed it off and asked where I could go see him to play. He responded again completely disinterested and said something about how he plays in a house, and the conversation was basically over at that point.

I left feeling upset in a way. Obviously if you go to the Gypsy in Santa Ana it is not all white people... is it? I thought how amazing it would be if someone went up at open mic and sang a song in Spanish... who cares if you don't speak english at that point? I guess I can flip it and think about how I would probably never go to an open mic in a Mexican coffee shop by myself, but I don't know about any Mexican coffee shops.

Moving to Santa Ana has really shown me the rift between the white and Mexican community. I have noticed a lot of the white people in this area are complete pricks... I don't know why, but I can tell that there is not good blood between the Brown and White in my neck of the city. Nothing hostile that I am aware of more like passive aggressive indifference. Tolerance.

So as I pondered how my car gets backed into while I watch from my balcony, and how I get completely ripped off if I try to buy cookies from the roach coach on my street as I walked down my stairs. Tired, like I always am in the morning, I was extra annoyed by my growing angst for indifferent Mexicans in my neighborhood. A family of three Mexicans waked out of their house in my complex. The mother was going to walk her third grade looking son and her kindergarden aged daughter to the school bus in the morning, and I could tell they were in a rush. Their presence was barely noticed by myself as I was trying to tell my brain that I like Mexican people and there is no reason to be so upset about a few individuals who have made me upset. As I approached the gate to my street I noticed the rushing family and the little Mexican girl waiting at the gate. She had stayed behind from her rushing family to hold open the gate for me. There was nobody else there, just us, and as I walked through the gate without a word she ran off to catch up to her mom and brother.

I guess I can't be upset about the limits other people put on themselves, but perhaps when we limit ourselves we inadvertently rob others of a new opportunity to experience something new since we are all unique. Then again there are moments when none of that matters because a child who doesn't see skin color can show how limited we all are, and can bring the hope that all people can get along if they want to.

06 July 2008

Shaken Perceptions

So tonight my Uncle called me out of the blue. He lives in Utah and I rarely get to see him. Growing up my Uncle was always my hero because he was a ton more spiritually and emotionally involved in my life then my dad ever could be. At this thought I realize how thankful I am for how physically present my dad always was in my life... which was probably a huge deal for him never having a dad himself. Anyway, he called me to tell me some of the thoughts he was having about God and how he has been feeling about relating to God in his own life.

Any other person I would have turned a deaf ear to, but not my Uncle. He has always taken opportunities to engage me in theological and spiritual conversations because this is something of great importance to him. I used to just casually listen and silently agree with most of what he had to say, but now the tone in his voice is different. My Uncle recently was divorced after a 17 year marriage, and his perspective on love, God, and relationships has been very much affected by that. I realized tonight that the trauma of losing one's ideals can be so crippling. Some people go on to never idealize anything again so as not to feel that pain, and others try to indulge in every ideal situation only to be left empty again.

I hesitate to say this, but I really feel like these types of situations fall under the age old, "whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger," category. I say this because my Uncles idealism about church and God now seems tempered by the sting of the un-ideal situation most people refer to as real life. What inspired me most about our conversation was the point at which we were discussing passion.

Passion is quite a buzz word, whose ulterior meaning is suffering by the way, that has such an attractive connotation to so many people. I proceeded to explain to my Uncle that I am passionless. I have no uncontrollable desire to do anything, and I generally find people rather repulsive and untrustworthy. I used to feel like I loved everyone. Like there was nothing anyone could do to hurt me because I would take the higher road; I would do the right thing constantly. It was like a drug. Now I don't feel that way, and I really don't know what to do.

This is the part that will always stay with me. My Uncle proceeded to say something to the tune of, "well, I think it is OK that you feel that way. That passion you felt before was contrived, and the lack of false passion is the beginning of real passion."

It is OK to feel passionless. You may not feel attractive or desirable in the process, but don't shut off. The lack of feeling passionate is the firebrand of passion. That is amazing. If people accept you tell them everything you know, and if people do not accept you don't even bother with them for another minute.

As long as you believe in the truth, you hold the truth, you are the truth, and you deliver the truth. No matter how you feel about what the truth should be. It will be seen in and through you despite you, and that is the highest calling a person can attain to: Representing the truth.

30 June 2008

Smell of the Sickle

Do you ever have those moments where you just feel like something major is going to happen? Like you are on the brink of disaster or your need to prepare to face a great challenge? Like death is looming around? But at the same time there is a feeling of great excitement and expectation?

Perhaps it is a misconception of my mind. That all the new beginnings I see somehow mean the end of what has been for so long. I just hope that my preconceptions are wrong. I guess, just like most people, when someone I love goes to another country it causes me worry and distress. I'm a worst case scenario type of guy.

There are a lot of people in my life that I cannot loose. I just can't say I love them enough. I just can't be any more grateful. I know there is a God and God gives and takes away.

I just want to take a minute and say thanks for giving and regardless of how it all ends my heart will truly remain yours forever.

22 June 2008

Toxins are real

So a little update from my previous blog...

This weekend I found out the limit my body can handle toxins... not fun.

Note to everyone... when in physical therapy or at any point when toxins are roaming free in your body en masse, do yourself a favor, don't drink and smoke the night away two nights in a row.

I really think I almost died this weekend. I have never felt so sick. My self-diagnosis is toxin OD. I poisoned myself... Lesson learned.

Cigarettes are in the trash... and I am not drinking like I planned to this weekend at Matty B's bachelor party.

I still feel like I got run over by a car and I am going to see Death Cab tomorrow night. Maybe their sadness will make me feel better as is seems to lately.

20 June 2008

Twisted and Shout

Do you know that when you work out extensively and/or strain your muscles you are actually tearing your muscles? This is good for one reason: Whatever gets torn gets rebuilt stronger. So when you get all torn up your body fixes itself using the nutrients you take in to reform muscle tissue stronger then it was before. Now if you incur a muscle related injury that disallows the muscles to repair themselves in the correct alignment your muscles still repair themselves, but the injury prevents these muscles from healing in their natural alignment. Therefore, the healed muscles become what are referred to as knots or twisted up muscle tissue. Many people have stress related knots, injury related knots, and other twisted muscles in their body, but are unsure of how to deal with them so they remain knotted. This is rather unhealthy because knotted muscles disallow the free flow of nutrients, oxygen, and blood through the parts of the body that are knotted as well the muscles begin to swell taking up invaluable space for joints and ligaments to move efficiently. These swollen muscles cause discomfort in the body and also are a harbor for toxins that are supposed to be washed through the body. At this point the muscles need to be realigned, and that is where massage comes in. The general idea of massage is to assist blood flow, break bad muscle bonds, and to alleviate knotted muscles by realigning them to the natural positions. Massage unwinds the twisted muscles, and not much unlike a dirty drain, once the muscles unwind all the toxins and bad bond tissue that were comfortably rotting for so long become released into the body.

I have learned this over the past week as I have been doing physical therapy for my legs and shoulders , which apparently have been heavily knotted for almost 2 years. My therapist, Jason, is a big burly man who digs his elbows into my highly sensitive quads, hams, calves, buttocks, and shoulders twice a week. It hurts like a bitch, it is expensive, but I really feel like in the end this is a wise decision as I do want to be able to walk when I am 50.

It is just so interesting to learn about the things that happen in my body that I have control over but in the end I don't. The better I eat the more nutrition rich my blood is, and the more I exercise the more oxygen rich my blood is, but when it comes down to it I can only help my body I don't control it. My muscles knot, I can try to stretch, drink water, and exercise moderately, but ultimately I never know if I will cramp up or run like a champion. So I guess all I can do is my best. I think that rule applied over ones life is a good standard of practice.

I want to do my best in every situation, and when I get knotted up I want to make sure there are people I can call to help me unwind.

14 June 2008

The Right White

How can I forget about my past when it was so simple? Everything meant so much all the time. Every detail was analyzed and every moment was the first of many to come. There was so much that was right and wrong, and there was a reason to hold on to what was right. I thought that if I did the right things that when I was older it would be easier to continue doing right things, and that somehow it would all pay off. I remember the smile of my old ex from just after high school. The love we shared, the laughs, vacations, Holidays, and how we spoke so assuredly about our promising future together. We were beautiful.

Ironically, our relationship ended because I felt I was doing the right thing. It destroyed both of us. In many ways I envy her because at least everyone is aware of how fucked up her life became. I, on the other hand, appeared unscathed, and it seems I still retain what she let go of over 6 years ago. I let it go now and again, but when it comes down to it I will never forget her smile. To this day it is unmatched, and my optimism is on the wane for another of that caliber.

I feel pathetic, but I wonder right now if it were my son and if it was our mobile home.

However, I always remind myself of the strong possibility that perhaps I just want the past back, not her, and I am extraordinarily intimidated by the future because I am longing for the past in my present.

But all the philosophies and psychologies in the world can't erase that smile.

11 June 2008

This rough and tumble road towards imperfection

Too many alarm buzzing snooze hitting mornings
I eat traffic for breakfast cooking at 79 mph just in case
Slurping that office cereal gauging my day email by email

Technological battle ground ready armed with laser mouse and keyboard
Take the bite off the tongue and let it roll through the fingers
Torrents of immediacy and stagnation of procrastination

Casual conversation and overpriced calories
Blurry eyed MySpace hopes and much needed distraction
Maximizing and minimizing programs to look really important

Furrowed brow and intent stare to avoid chit chat
Deeper thoughts of futuristic successes and adventures
Justifying the present as a necessary evil

Walk to dinner drink some beer hope to make some friends
Smoke a cig and watch the clouds while walking on them
Play the guitar to the fireworks out the window

Wrestle the dog until we've both had enough
Grab the keys and go see the boys over more beer
Avoid much sports detail, but enjoy the moment

Tell the whole world.

07 June 2008

Waffley Good Day

This morning I went on a ride from Santa Ana down to San Juan Capistrano to the LAST organic fruit stand in the OC to get some produce. Matt, my new housemate, and I grabbed some fruits and veggies and threw them in our backpack and headed to the train station to get back to Santa Ana. We got home, cleaned up, and Krista, Matt's wife, joined us to help making apricot whole-wheat waffles topped with crushed honey almonds, vanilla bean syrup, and fresh locally grown blueberries.

I feel so green and clean like the city dirt has been scoured off of me with the sharp side of an aloe vera plant.

Sweet Nothings

Contradiction is the essence of life, and the basis of religion.

People gain hope by having faith in something that is perfect.

The rest are different ways to get yourself to that perfection.

Faith, hope, and love. The greatest of these is love.

And none of those will ever pass away.

05 June 2008

Another Moment of Socio-Religious Dialogue

Tonight I was reminded of a trip I once took to Hsi Lai Temple. This is one of the largest Buddhist Temples in the United States, and it is right off Beach Blvd. in Hacienda Heights. When I was there I was introduced to several Buddhist ideas that I still remember from the tour.

Correct me if I am wrong, but I believe there is a Buddhist philosophy that states something along the lines of, "Whatever you can identify and understand, you can overcome." Take for instance Alcoholics Anonymous. The first steps is to admit you have an alcohol problem, and you are powerless to overcome it. Then you begin taking steps to strengthen yourself in order to build the will to overcome your powerlessness over your addiction. Eventually the more you understand your power vs. your weakness the more you are able to operate in your power because of your understanding of your weakness.

Naturally, being the Philosopher that I wish I could be, I was wondering how this compared to a generalized Christian Philosophy, and why our society insists on constructing walls between religions instead of gaining more insight through different perspectives. I think this Buddhist Philosophy is very helpful to many people who have a need to gain spiritual strength.

There are certainly Christian ideals that run the same lines. However, I think there, generally is a misunderstanding on the Christian side. I think some Christian people believe they can admit they are powerless to overcome something, but instead of taking the initiative to allow a higher power to support their efforts to become healthy, they abandon the responsibility to the higher power. An example would be: I am powerless to quit drinking. God stop me from drinking. Amen. This is fallacy. Now, I am not trying to say that the Buddhists have it right all the way, but I think it is obvious that the abandonment theory probably doesn't work out for many people. Again not ALL Christians do this, but I have been around... been there done and seen that.

Here is the thing... there has to be some external benefit for the individual to desire change. For the Buddhist I believe it is enlightenment, liberation, and ultimately Nirvana. For the Christian it is eternal bliss in Heaven, and permanent communion with God eternally. This is where the difference in ideal perspective, in my opinion, rests. The Buddhist admits weakness to become enlightened or to overcome weakness, and the Christian overcomes weakness by understanding weakness. This is complicated. Christianity from what I know musters strength from weakness, and Buddhism taps into existing strength by identifying weakness.

The funny thing is that in our culture the two ideals are so intertwined that it is hard to distinguish them from one another... not to mention post-modern secular humanism couldn't give half a rat's ass for either method because it chants, "In reason we trust." I just think it is hilarious to see, especially these three, philosophies constantly screwing people, including myself, in the head. It is hard to make a decision when all your ideals contradict each other.

If anyone ever wants to goo to Hsi Lai I am so down... the vegetarian buffet there is amazing, the view is beautiful, and it is overall a peaceful way to spend an afternoon. Lets GO!

11 May 2008

Estrogen Fix

Can't say much because I need to go to bed, but I have to say that I watched two chic-filcs today that are worth a mention.

The first was Enchanted, which I immediately pegged as grossly obnoxious, but eventually fell in love with. I'm just going to have to come of of the closet and say it, I really love musicals. It was so over the top, so mushy, so lovey dovey, and so unrealistic that it captured my heart.

The second was P.S. I Love You. Again, not a big Swank fan, and I am admittedly tired of the studly Irish musician love stories. A la Once, and August Rush. OK I can name three Irish dude romance movies... Anyway, again thought the movie would be totally lame, but seriously it had a very compelling honesty to it. Movies, relationally speaking, are, in my estimation, becoming far more realistic, and I will tip my hat to that as I see at as socially responsible. I did check out for a little while in the middle of this movie, but over all I was very touched and inspired by the story.

I love my mom. I love my sisters. Happy estrogen day.

(I swear I was raised on the stuff. A mom and three sisters... I'm an estrogen baby)

04 May 2008

Bring it.

Lets scream at the moon
Sit and question why
Never understand and alway wonder
Share a longing

I can wait, and I know I will
For anyone and everyone who can face the souls chill
Who can pony up their skin and let their blood pay the bill
Who will join me, another human, sitting on a hill?

We can drink wine until our fill
The longing deepens still

30 April 2008

More Emo Than Tattoos.

It is rather amazing what two depressed people can accomplish.
Just goes to show that timing is everything.

Because the second she was happy was the second I got upset.
And the minute I'd remember was the minute she'd forget.
Just like the hours we spent together we now spend apart.
It was time brought us together, and time ripped us apart.

I leave my mark on the heart not the sleeve.
Call it whatever, may it seem meaningful, it is not my deed.
Because the worse the pain, the less its seen.
Or should I say scene?

24 April 2008


I wish that the silence would cease its incessant screaming.
Because I miss, all honesty and maturity aside, something beyond.
But what I see is broken.
A bittersweet revelation that proves a love unreal.
Broken vases, glorified dust, pieces thrust upon the ground.

Growth is perceived, but shattered pieces only continue to splinter.
The gradual cutting of ourselves against our jagged edges.
Making, in no uncertain terms, an impossibility.
I won't choose it; love still has to make sense.

But you linger so near in my thoughts, and in my heart.
Agitating my fear that I hope will not always make me wonder:
Is it love how one knows all along yet dares not ignore the siren song?

I hate how you inspire me.
Just by being you.
You don't need me.
Stop saying that you do.

21 April 2008


Here it is the moment of truth... the very reason why I was sent out to Chi Town: The EX Awards! Event Marketer Magazine is about to award my company 1st, 2nd, or 3rd place based on our hospitality element that we created for Vivendi Games. Not being an industry person at all quite yet prevents me from being too excited about this. (Even though we are up against the company that did Superbowl XLI and the company that works with Infinity.) OK... actually I am really excited. One: the lobby is full of cool people... FINALLY!! No more drunk old people... Two: There is a way less awkward energy now that the awards are in a few hours. Awkwardness exchanges for excitedness with great relief to my anxiety. I HATE awkwardness. I think I can be so awkward just depending on who I am talking to.

SO far in Chicago I have purchased cigarettes for a bum... perhaps not the greatest idea. I ate way too much deep-dish pizza, and would be happy not to reflect on that moment on my life again. I played beer-pong with some locals right next to Lincoln Park. I walked around the city for several hours. I took a cab to Wrigley Field and observed the pandaemonium that follows a successful Cub's game. (Its like TJ run by white people). I made a few networking contacts (harder then it sounds, awkwardness remember?) I successfully linked my G4 to the internet via bluetooth from my cell phone (basically THE most awesome thing ever!), I strolled through Millennium Park, and saw the Art Institute of Chicago's Winslow Homer and Edward Hopper exhibits. I love American art. I most enjoyed Homer's watercolor it was absolutely inspiring.

Now off I go to shower put on my suit and shake some hands... hopefully I don't have to give a speech!

18 April 2008

Wild as the Wind is

I am off to Chicago for the weekend kids... hopefully when I get back I will write of pizza, blues, women and booze.

16 April 2008

Blogger is my Wilson

Instead of church it is a coffee shop
She traded her robe for a low cut top
Decided to live life and never stop
She can laugh without one drop

Instead of a prayer it is genuine care
Instead of the Bible a book
She opts to kiss instead of shake hands
Her standards precede her looks

She isn't always doing well and so good
When honesty takes place of lip service
She now thinks about where she belongs
Blinded, forlorn, and nervous

But she knows and that is what flatters
She makes her decisions on all her life's matters
An island as deep as the dark blue sea
A calm beach complete with coconut tree

15 April 2008

Bottom Side Up

Do you want a surefire method that will ensure you are sad and miserable the entirety of your existence?

It is easy. Just ask yourself on a regular basis, "Why am I so sad?" 

It starts immediately with a confession that you indeed are sad, and there is nothing wrong with admitting you are sad at all. However, that isn't the intent instead you are trying to figure out WHY you are sad, and this has always left me much worse off then when I began. Long story short: There is an infinite amount of things that we can be sad about on a regular basis. 

It seems the same goes with disappointment, frustration, and hopelessness. 

Yet, I find it rather absurd to practice the opposite. 

Why would you want to find out WHY you are happy? 

I find that I can easily just BE happy, but I struggle, repress, and analyze the urge to BE sad. 

Besides what shock or mystery is coupled with joy? Doesn't true art bleed out of the conflicted, the dreary, and the frustrated? Take myself for instance, I wrote the most during a time of my life when I felt the saddest... actually not true. 

I wrote a ton more before, the only difference it was for me. I had a LJ at one point, yes, but I have 3 journals full of writing that precede any writing I have accomplished online. Yet, now I have neglected my journal and opted to display my "public appropriate" postings for all to see.

Ohhh aren't I smart? OOOOhhh what a good point. Or OOOOOHHHHH I just love reading your blog, but I have no opinion on anything you have written.  

I just want attention. 

PS: I still smoke... wondering if I really am addicted or if I should stop caring all together. 
PPS: I tried to drink just wine and it made me feel like shit. So I am drinking my regulars. 
PPPS: If you are familiar with my previous entry about women in the workplace I understand better now. Women at my work walk fast because they have a ton of work to do, and a family to get home to, unlike me, and they have deadlines, unlike me.

07 April 2008

Thank yous

I would like to say, in an internet way, thank you to all those who made it out to the Ship on Friday night. Personally, I drag ass usually on friday nights so I really appreciate the tired folk who gave that extra effort to eat dinner with me. It means a ton. If you fancy photography, I have the pics from my phone here on my Flickr account. There aren't many so if you can share some please do. 

I loved all of the cards I received this year. Usually I have no second thoughts about trashing Birthday cards, but this year I am holding on to them for a while. Especially those that took obvious thought, time, and effort. Brian C gave me the most thoughtful card... its hard for a guy not to look gay giving a card like that. So props Brian. Elisabeth B gave me a good one... it was a Father's Day card... who's yo daddy? Brian D gave me his always hilarious pointless card with funny illustration, and best in show card from the amazing selection at the $0.99 store. The remainder are still kept. The thoughtful variety. My type of card. 

I also got a few MUST SEE movies. If you are perverted like me and you have a sense of humor come watch Romance & Cigarettes with me. A brilliant mock-musical with ALL of my favorite actors/actress in it written by John Turturro and Coen Bros. I also got No Country for Old Men, also a Coen film which I loved. Finally, I received Monty Python's Meaning of Life. I haven't seen anything in it yet except some skit with an incredibly fat man vomiting the whole time... disgusting, but may make for an entertaining evening... perhaps. 

All in all I feel so lucky, and so stupid at the same time. Who has over 20 people at their dinner table in their honor and ever has the right to feel lonely? How do I ever have an excuse to feel unwanted or despised? How could it even be logical that I feel depressed, alone, uncertain, etc? 

With that said I have made a decision since my birthday. I will not ever feel that way so long as I am able. I quit smoking cigarettes and other such incendiary herbals. I am temporarily reserved to drinking only wine, and only to my cheer not to my buzz.  I forgot somewhere along the line that I am a healthy person. A clean person. And that health and cleanliness must indeed extend to my lungs, brain, and heart as well. 

Spring is a time of clean. New beginnings. And I intend to make this Spring my platform for the inevitably beautiful summer that is on the horizon. 

And nothing is going to stop me.

01 April 2008

Another Year in the Books

My friends,

I hope you can make it out to celebrate with me this Friday at 8pm at The Olde Ship. I will reserve a table and I will be there ready to eat at 8pm. Come out, buy me a beer or three, and come over to my house for a BJYB (Bring Justin Your Booze) afterparty around 10:30ish! Crashing options available... Also I am open to any after-party event ideas... I always default to putting on some music and hanging out. Perhaps even a Hookah session will be in order.

So come and hang out, eat dinner, drink, and meet the people I hang out with that aren't you. Really, all I want to is be surrounded by loved ones on my birthday. If you have ANY questions, ask! If you aren't sure if you are invited... you are.

No obligations ever... BUT,
Gift Reccommendations: Money and Beer
Alternate Gift Reccommendations: Beer and Money
(Functional and gender appropriate gift certificates are also acceptable gifting methods)

12 March 2008

Seriously Serious

Before I rant I want to plug my amigo Matt's new non-profit: Free Kick!
It is a really cool idea for soccer lovers all around the world. Take a minute to check it out.

Now on to something I noticed and pondered today while I was at work.

It is really funny to me how some of the women I work with are constantly speed-walking through the hallways to each other's offices. I have always enjoyed working with women in an office-type situation. Women are very hard workers. One thing I have noticed after working in predominantly women employed businesses, however, is the intensity at which many women work. 

I notice that I feel like many of the women I have worked with force themselves to prove their metal constantly. Maybe its because I'm a guy and they want me to feel like they are just as good or better at what they do then I am, (and boy are they!) but either way the women I have worked with tend to become speedy stress-balls. Always jetting from place to place on a serious mission from God even if its to ask to go out to lunch. 

Often, the women I have worked with create chaos in order to maintain their environment of stress because perhaps they work best in a stressful environment. I assume the male counterpart would be fear. A unbalanced male manager would ensure that his subordinates are afraid to loose their job, while an unbalanced female manager would create chaos to the point that an employee would forfeit their job. I don't know. All I know is that after a while I have learned to sift through what is important to stress about, and what to completely blow off. 

The man's secret to cohabitation: pick your battles. 

Obviously this is just based on my own experience, and says nothing about how I feel about having woman superiors... Yet I find it so interesting that I have had very few male managers and co-workers in my life.

In other news, I am now a proud owner of a 2002 Honda Civic. It is an awesome grandma car with a luxurious champagne paint-job. A commuters dream. Even though I only drive 20mi. to work it still makes life more interesting. Now I can visit my friends who live farther then 10mi away without wondering if I will make it home. 

And here is a more meaningful and artistic picture.


05 March 2008

The Eagle has Landed

It has been a few weeks. So much has changed! As a quick update, as I am at work, I have a job! It is so cool/funny how it all worked out. I emailed a friend's boss who I met about a year ago. She owns three companies so I figured what the hell... Sure enough after about 3 weeks of job searching, suit buying, and interviewing I met with Frederique Georges at the Ohana Cafe.

Freddie is a saleswoman. A talker. I think she told me the history of her companies, the latest gossip in the office, and what my job would be in the 10 minutes we had before we ordered our breakfast. For a brilliant businesswoman, as she is, she is not intimidating to me, and unlike many other business owners I have known and met she is a comfortable presence. Lucky for me, I'm her new Executive Assistant.

So even though she doesn't know I'm writing a blog at work, albeit it IS my lunch break for the record, she gives me plenty to do. If you want to see my company's website click here. I am happy about this job. I really dig the commute, seriously its awesome. I drive to La Palma and that means it is the opposite of traffic both ways. So not only do I get the advantage of driving on a wide open freeway, I get the pleasure of watching all the poor commuters going the opposite direction sit in a parking lot at 7:30am. I don't believe in karma, but I have a feeling I'll get mine for that.

Anyhow. I will do my best to continue writing amidst the new business of the 8-5 life. Leslie and I are doing really well, and we are happily adjusting to the new schedule that we both have.

Life is really awesome right now. I feel like I'm living it instead of being trapped between avoiding it and living it. I am living.

Also, to celebrate life, this Saturday I am going to risk mine. I am going skydiving for my friend Brian Crain's birthday, which was a few week ago. So if this is my last blog the answer is no. You cannot preserve my brain in hopes that one day it can be implanted in your head. Seriously, leave my brain alone.

20 February 2008

Cirque du Soul

There once was a place where I grew up. The people always smiled and cheered each other up. They understood a sad world and met together to plan a way to make it happy again. They cried, and yelled, and played their music loud. They protested, lobbied, and threw their money around, but nothing made the world retreat away from its saddened frown. 

I also was one who tried. I realized that deep inside there was so much pain to hide, and so I turned my frown upside down to cheer the world like a depressed clown. I worked, and tried, and strived, and strived, and strived, but instead of making many changes I only increased my pride. 

The people saw my wondrous works and my happy face. They gayly applauded while I laid my life to waste. They loved me but did not see my face. I didn't even know my place. "It didn't matter," I would say, as I continued on to play, "I'll gladly give my life away."  The people knew I was there to stay. They could count on me every day to bring a smile whilst I play. 

They felt they had accomplished their task. That my happiness was not a mask, but a proof of their accomplishment in which they could bask. Their cheers increased in support galore. They held themselves on their shoulders and screamed for more. But they forgot what they were fighting for. The world had since been laid to waste. All the time sadness proving its case. That happiness is foolishness to embrace. I jumped and jeered. I had no fear. Happiness was mine and for all those near. I never even shed a tear for the world which sadness commandeered. 

Until one day it came to me. While crying on the beach. I fell into the proximity of sadness' reach, and I was the spokesman for the saddest piece. The people of whom I gave my smiles were the saddest ones all the while. The saddest are always in denial. I fought this thought with all my heart. I knew there had to be more to this world torn apart. So I devoted my life to studying their smarts. "I will teach all these fools," I swore, "surely they are merely sad because they lost sight of the rules they had!"

So I studied, and spoke, and I worked, and I joked like the happy people I once knew. I wrote volumes of optimistic views, and made good friends who had good news. I became more confused. I thought I had the secrets nailed. How could I avoid the sad and then prevail to be the perfect man they all would hail. They would speak again of my wondrous works, my eternal smile, and my endless perks. And even though I could see our selfish thoughts I would ride them to the top, and never drop until my model of happiness could not be stopped. 

It was working, I would think, I could feel the sadness shrink. So I thought I would call a friend to drink, to celebrate my wondrous works, and share away my special perks. But when I looked through my contact list, I realized all the times I'd missed. The people evaporated like mist, and left me with their sediment. So I toasted to myself. A victory to my personal health, and kept my head up swimming in wealth. 

The next day it happened like the fiercest storm. The premonition proved its scorn as the storm ripped away my hearth. The roof, the floor, and even my bedroom door. The wind swept me up with nothing else, and dropped me battered out of the blue at that happy place that I once knew. I managed still to crack a grin through bleeding lips and bloodied skin, but the people wouldn't let me in. Their hero once was then in need, but they themselves had found a deed more worthy of their special breed. "To be healthy," they would say, "being happy is so passe." So here I lay, an unwanted clown, with dried blood make-up and a natural frown. Neglected, alone, with life unfound.  So I dusted off what was left of my clothes, and walked away feeling justifiably morose. 

I stuck through learning all their rules, and worked wading through their positive drool. I told myself, "I'll be no fool," I would learn the sad world's rules too. So I read some books that changed my view. I met some people that did that too. Yet, I kept my rules hidden out of view so I could play both sides in lieu. It worked for a short time, and I learned some new trades. Instead of waving incense I smoked out my brains, and instead of sacramental wine it was liquor I craved. But then again my whole world caved. 

For seeking to understand, control, and impress it was myself I decided to neglect. I lost my life, my friends, and my will. There was no janitor to clean up the spill. My mother couldn't help nor Dr. Phil. It was me. I'm the one I repressed. My boxed up self restricted to progress. Denied the right to express. My soul melted in its cage, and it left quite a mess. 

Now I am here. In the world of the sad. I hope you don't hate me for the past that I've had. Perhaps we can be friends and make ourselves glad? For an instance, a moment, for one passing fad? Because I know that happiness is real and so is the sad, but neither one really can be eternally had. At least in this place both share this space, and here I am not displaced. For I was here all along. I was born to be healthy and raised to be strong. Not ever again will I dare to long to deny myself to impress those who sing songs. Now I know to facilitate false happiness is undeniably wrong. And as God as my judge I will go on, and I will tell the tale of what went wrong with this clown and his solemn song. 

13 February 2008

Love Actually

Today one of my students, upon mention of my not to distant departure, just yelled out, "WE LOVE YOU JUSTIN!"

 This high school aged guy has been through an incredibly rough life... not only disabled developmentally, but disfigured (looks burned), and emotionally distraught. I don't know any details but he was very likely abused and neglected despite his developmental position... sad as hell. 

But out of all the kids on my bus, even though he can act up from time to time, I know that he simply adores me. I heard what he said quickly and almost immediately began to think of other things, but it was too late, it hit me right between the chest. I savored those words today, and as I fought back tears, as I am now, I wrote this on a paper towel at a red light:

"Love in its fullness is when you don't try to figure anything out. You scream it out at the top of your lungs- just because you do. Love is identity. Love is who you are." 

So often I make myself justify loving others. Just as well I justify disliking others. Based on what I know of them I make my decision. Love, hate, or indifferent. On rare occasion I can immediately love someone or dislike them, or at least feel that way in a short period of time, and never say or do anything about it. What is great about my student is that he has no inhibitions. He will yell love or yell hate depending on how he feels. If only we all could be so honest. If only we could all be so loved. 

If I may borrow a quote from a close friend and an esteemed colleague: 

"We should speak what we feel, not what we ought to say"
~William Shakespeare

Job Search Update

So the job search continued today... 2 terrible interviews down, none to go. The first one was so corporate that I felt underdressed in my Italian Suit, and the second interview was so bogus that I made a decision to not ever call back random companies who "just happen" to find my resume on Monster. 

Interview-wise I felt OK. My tongue was so dry in the first one that I was probably smacking it at the poor HR lady that was doing the initial, and since my hearing  sucks I couldn't tell. I felt very out of place, and distant from who I am and where I want to be. The good news is, however, I knew I would feel that way. This interview was just practice because I knew I didn't want the position anyway. (Starts too early)

The second one was one of those Insurance companies that hires you as a 1099... The kind that don't tell you that until after your second interview and an hour-long presentation on how "amazing " their company is, and how they will make my dreams come true. There was even a guy there who when asked to tell the group, YES GROUP, about himself he said he is ready to "Climb a new summit." OH MY GOD WASTE OF TIME. Stupid. 

So needless to say I felt pretty down about job hunting after today, and it is hard as well having to leave a job that is so fun and familiar. The rewards of driving Special Ed kids goes far beyond monetary compensation, but I just know it is time to leave. 

12 February 2008

"I Just Wasn't Made For These Times"

Tonight I saw such a brilliant performance by Huntington Beach High School's APA program. The Commercial Recording Arts Department has been working together as a band to perform the Beatles Rubber Soul as well as the Beach Boys Pet Sounds. Ya, I know It was a high school ensemble, whatever right? Um no, try there was about 40 people on stage performing the studio vocal parts for both albums in their entirety. Including a 14 piece string ensemble, a horn and flute ensemble, a baritone harmonica, accordion, and even the theremin in "Good Vibrations," which they graciously added a the end of the set. It was amazing.

If you are doing nothing Wed night... tonight now I guess. You should go. APA's Website

The whole show was good, but I couldn't silence the voice of jealousy in the back of my head. These kids are so fricking fortunate to have the experience to perform such amazing works as these at their age. It all struck me while they played the song "I Just Wasn't Made For This Time," even though it was unfamiliar to me, (yes I admit my Beach Boys ignorance) it immediately struck me as the crux of Brian Wilson's lyrical genius.

Striking at the heart of almost every dreamy headed youth. The feeling of not belonging in your era, ultimately the feeling of being misunderstood, or perhaps even more the feeling of not being able to express yourself. I felt like I could relate. Thats one reason why I love my car. It is from a different time. Someone could have listened to Led Zeppelin for the first time in that car. There are a million possibilities, but all of them are connected to the ideal good times I associate with the early 70's. Just like in Pet Sounds how Brian Wilson super-emphasizes the dreams, feelings, and the ideals of what are arguably the greatest years of our lives. Makes me long to be in high school in 1965.

But realistically... The 60's and the 70's were not ideal times for many reasons. Those times yielded many happy and successful people and many sad and unsuccessful people. Just like today. This is what struck me tonight. My success is not determined by the times, the economy, nor other's ideals. My success and happiness is determined by me. So while I may enjoy the wouldn't it be nice type thoughts that the Beach Boys harmonize so angelically, I need to remind myself that I am made for these times. And instead of longing for love unrequited blocked by certain circumstances. Blocked by the way things are. I can go after my success, and enjoy it here and now.

These are not ideal times, but that is OK... ideal times only exist in fiction.

I guess, ironically, this makes it the ideal time for me to move forward in my success. Wish me luck!

08 February 2008

Job Hunt

Looking for a job is exciting... for a while. Making a resume, getting phony emails and funky interviews all kind of suck, but the actual cat and mouse game of seeing what you can get feels a lot like gambling to me. The thing I need to constantly remind myself is that I have the advantages and the aces up my sleeves. I don't NEED to work for X corp, X corp will not make me a happier person, I will not die if I don't get hired at X corp. I am a person first, a professional second, and everything else works itself out nicely... at least when it comes to getting a job. I have a feeling the desperation is what drives many people into situations job-wise that are below them, non advantageous, and static. Some people get lucky or just have enough experience to get in to an established company that is non-static and progressive, and I plan on being one of those people. I'm a lucky guy. All the time. 

04 February 2008

The Times They Are A Changin

Today I informally, but formally, gave my 2 weeks at the bus yard. It is amazing sometimes how my life goes through transition times. It seems that when some things change in my life the change just comes pouring in. Like in order to manage through the changes I experience I am forced to move in new and exciting directions. In retrospect, at least on the day, I feel I have made a wise decision. I do not know where this change will lead me, I do not have another specific job opportunity lined up, but I have a tinge of that old familiar feeling that comes to me often when I am in the face of risk. The mellow river of faith that runs through my mind that continually splashes away thoughts of doubt and insecurity. A river that has grown from a mere stream over time by means of facing adversity, taking risks, and digging in the trenches. Being a bus driver has always been a digging in the trenches sort of experience. Driving always forced me to look beyond my position and to focus on who I am not because of what I do but because of who I am as a individual. Bus driving was a walkabout or more appropriately a driveabout. I was on my own walking through life without the surety of being recognized as successful, and without anyone my age to suffer along with. I was also faced with many crucial options. I could spend my time eating and sleeping, or I could read, write, ponder, walk, and feel. I am so glad I picked a healthy mix of both. I will always look back fondly on my three years as a school bus driver. I have never learned so much in my entire life. The good news is that if I learned that much while I got paid to sleep... I am so excited to see how much I will learn when I get to use what I have learned all the time... hopefully. 

But man am I going to miss hanging out with my Special Ed kids at Edison... 

01 February 2008

Playing Doctor

Going to the doctor really isn't that bad. Having a complete stranger touch you in happy places can lend itself to honest conversations. If nobody else you can't hide anything from your doctor. I figure if you can't express yourself to someone who just juggled your bubbles then who can you talk to? Go get a physical. You might even make a new friend.

Getting blood work done isn't that bad either. However, this morning I was paranoid that by chewing on a flaming hot cheeto I could have disrupted my blood work. (I was supposed to fast). I did fast because I spit out the cheeto, but I was worried that somehow I had swallowed some salt or something. Another thing that was confirmed to me this morning was that taking a shit without going pee is horribly uncomfortable, and takes all joy and relaxation out of the morning duties... stupid urine sample. Shots aren't that bad either. Watching the blood come out of my arm was so fascinating. I do not like the needle, and I won't watch it stick into my vein, but the blood looks super cool. My blood is really dark maroon, the doc said it was the color of healthy blood, only a color that real blood can pull off. I liked it, my handsome blood.

Now that my physical is over I just get to wait. Hopefully there is nothing physically wrong with me, but I wish there was a way I could get a mental physical administered. Perhaps by this hypnotherapist?

Celebration Dinner

I learned last night that salmon, if seasoned well, can be cooked in a pan with olive oil and some sauteed ginger. It actually tastes rather amazing, and is a great resort when you find out your retarded grill is broken. French vanilla yogurt, blueberries, and granola make an amazing desert or breakfast parfait, but don't leave them in the freezer too long or they will be hard-fait. Don't burn green beans, holy heaven that is a nasty smell.

Congrats to my girl Leslie for landing an awesome job!!

25 January 2008

Grasping the wind

I had no expectation
Of how you called me out
Unreserved communication
No shadow of a doubt

While sipping soup and downing tea
You whispered loudly by the sea
I ignored you casually
You waited impatiently

Without clear thought or intention
I headed slowly your direction
With thoughts of friends and smoking's ends
You blew out my cigarette and made a wish

I rested sitting there; Winter air
Our meeting on the pier
Cold concrete seat; water under feet
Mind white-washed bright and clear

I arose without a thought and fought you
Knowing you would push back
I persisted forward until I had to stop
Far away from shore

At lands end I stood up high to see above the rail
No chance of sunshine, no ship at sail
I stood and greeted you
Your familiarity cold and running through me

The seabirds flew sideways 
I stood as still as a kite hovering 
Held by the powerful unseen
With an unrequited desire to dictate your movement

You are control
My glimpse of eternity 
Lapping waves right under me
My ears filled with your static lullaby

I will no longer hide, but chase you down
Having left my poker-card church creation
For I know I was born of you
And you are my final destination

23 January 2008

On a Lighter Note

Its is rather insane how my attitude changes based on the amount of sleep I get. I feel like such a wuss. I know people who never sleep, people who sleep less than I do, and work a lot harder than I do, and somehow maintain a positive attitude. I shut down. I disconnect. If I am tired enough I have the social skills of a wet rock. 

Anyway that is not the point of this blog. The point of THIS blog is to express, in so many bubbly words, how much I simply adore my girl Leslie. I know its kind of weird for a dude to write a blog like this... men should after all reserve all their emotional thoughts to intimate moments. I don't believe that. 

I have never been with anyone who is so quick to give credence to my stupid ideas. This means a lot to me because I have many stupid ideas. For instance last night we were longing for just a quick smooch, but we were unable because I am as sick as a dog. Quickly devising a solution I suggested that facial condoms should exist for people with chronic bad breath, viruses, and bad acne. Leslie agreed, suggested we use saran wrap and take pictures of it. How awesome is that? For the curious cats out there, it worked... we got our smooch, but it certainly wasn't the same.

This is just the most recent example of how in my mind I can create a ton of ideas and never do any of them, but if I ever get the gall to suggest them my girl gives them life and makes each idea better with her touch. I can live with that. 

I am also so fervently excited about the alternate realities we bring in to each other's lives. We come from such different lifestyles and backgrounds.  Change is hard, and integrating in to someone else's reality can come easy or not at all. In our case I feel a progressive change. Instead of it being all or nothing it is gradual steps out of who I am into who we are. I dig that. Don't get me wrong we both maintain our individuality, but out relationship becomes what it is by our blending. Sometimes I think we are a lot like a good mixed drink. The roles reverse often, but in either case one of us is the nasty but wonderful hard alcohol, and the other is the sweet or practical mixer.
Individually we are rad, but together we are an all night party; we are a good mix. We are still new though. Still learning how to compliment each other and know enough about each other to brag about one another in public. Time will lend us these social graces, and so much more. I'm looking forward to it, but not without enjoying what it is right now. 

Right now it is still to good to be true. Right now I just want you. Right now you make me smile. Right now I want you.
I can't tell about tomorrow, but right now I can tell you I don't care. You are so good to me right now I don't want to go anywhere.  

19 January 2008

Reality Bites

I'm not being negative, but quite literally reality bites.  I mean it bites like a dog bites. Recently reality unexpectedly hits me, and every new level of transition I experience comes with times when the reality of matters just hurts. All things real don't necessarily need to hurt I suppose, but it really is just a matter of perspective. Some people could see the sunset and accept that it is a beautiful reality to enjoy, and another person can think that another day ending is one less day to live. Both are true. I think the majority of people would prefer to happily accept the simpler aspects of reality; the appearance, the feeling, the emotion of reality. I find myself often, however, trying to explore the grittier side of reality; the motives, purposes, and results of reality. Ultimately I believe it is best to take the sweet with the sour, and hopefully by seeing the glory and the tragedy of this reality I can be a content man. Perhaps contented I would even begin to feel the surprising bites of reality turn into subtle nudges and nibbles. I think then I can have the presence of mind to influence my reality, roll with the punches, and even bite back here and there. 

16 January 2008

New Slang

Yes it is true I believe the word "haggard" is the new "beat."

I find it interesting that for once slang has gone from an improper word to a proper word, and has retained its original functionality.

hag·gard [hag-erd] –adjective
1. having a gaunt, wasted, or exhausted appearance, as from prolonged suffering, exertion, or anxiety; worn: the haggard faces of the tired troops.
2. wild; wild-looking: haggard eyes.

Used in a sentence it would be something like: That guy/girl is so haggard. 

So next time you want to be an asshole be an intelligent one. Instead of saying the old news words like "beat" or "fugly" insult your victim with class. Drop the H card. 

Spin it.

I decided to poke fun/seriously restructure a list of "life phrases" that I found on a friends MySpace blog. Needless to say I don't agree with the majority of the original list. So I made some changes of my own: (The original on the top and my addendum at the bottom) Feel free to add.

Instructions for Freedom

1. Life's Metaphors are God's Instructions
2. There is nothing between you and the Infinite. Now, let go.
3. It's time for something that was beautiful turn into something that else that is beautiful. Now, let go.
4. You wish for resolution was a prayer. Your being here is God's response. Let go, and watch the stars come out- on the outside and on the inside.
5. With all your heart, ask for grace and let go.
6. With all your heart forgive, FORGIVE YOURSELF, and let go.
7. Let your intentions be freedom from useless suffering. Then, let go.
8. Watch the heat of the day pass into the cold of the night. Let go.
9. When the karma of a relationship is done, only love remains. It's safe. Let go.
10. When the past has passed for you at last, let go. Then climb down and begin the rest of your life. With great joy.

-Eat, Pray, Love

~My Version~

Instruction for freedom is an oxymoron

1. Life's metaphors are life's metaphors.
2. There is one small thing standing between you and the infinite, it is called life. Now, go.
3. There is a time for light and a time for darkness, and both are equally beautiful. 
4. Your wish for resolution was your concession to laziness. Do something. God made you for more then stargazing. (Even though stargazing is awesome!) 
5. Asking for grace is about as effective as planting a money tree.
6. If you are typing on a computer and you have friends who will read this post, then you are doing a hell of a lot better then the majority of the world. Blow out the candles on your pity party cake, learn how to take care of yourself, and begin to love. 
7. Let your intentions be freedom. Suffering will always seem useless and it is completely unavoidable.
8. The heat of the day leaves long before sunset. You don't need to see it to feel it, but it is often a pretty sight. 
9. WTF is the karma of a relationship? Put down your 17 magazine, and let that shit go. Give until it hurts, and then give some more. You can't give what you don't have. 
10. The past is past. There is no access. If you have an Uncle Rico Complex then just keep on throwin' that pigskin until it goes over that mountain. 

Love, Have faith, Bring hope 

15 January 2008

Hello Blogger.

Lately I have been in a blog lull, and I have no good reason other then I just don't think I like blogging on MySpace too much anymore. Thats a wicked poor excuse, but who said I needed a good one? You can see old blogs here.

The fact is, I want to grow up a little bit, and I feel like a natural advancement in online writing is switching from shotgun blasts of brain vomit on MySpace to more refined and well thought out blogs on Blogger. A place where I can talk about myself, as much or as little as I like. 

Not many people understand, nor do they insist to know, much about my work life. Today I arose at the chilling hour of 5am to greet the same dark diesel smoke-filled school bus yard I see every morning. I was no later then normal, about 5-10min late every day, and I got my work done regardless. I did my regular morning run that fortunately went faster then usual, and headed up to take a field trip to downtown LA. 

I love doing this trip. I know a place where I can park my bus, and in LA that is a comforting thing.  I often complain about my job, but when I get paid to stroll through the Historical Fashion District, and eat at one of my favorite breakfast/dinner spots in LA, The Pantry, it is hard to beat. 

I like to pretend when I am there that I am a fashion designer on a scouting mission or a professional musician or writer taking an all-too-common inspiration day. Resting, soaking in the richness of the metropolis, and enjoying time with my thoughts. I often think as if I am writing a blog as I walk along, as if my story is being written as I move and breathe.
Today I even brought my horrendously under-used camera to snap a few photos. It was stunning in the city today; the chill makes me love Winter. Also who knew that the DWP (Department of Water and Power) building had a wicked open to the public M-F cafeteria in the basement?? I didn't eat there because of the incredible sourdough french toast breakfast I had a few hours earlier, but it looked like quite a tantalizing smorgasbord. 

Today my job ruled. 

Then I found out some really sad news about how one of the Special Abilities kids I take home every afternoon was forced to move to Illinois by surprise. How fucked up is that? An adult child who just can't function normal enough to go to regular school doesn't even get told they are moving, gets checked out of school, and taken to an awaiting airplane. No goodbyes, no parties, nothing. She was such a sweetheart. I will miss her, but that is the harder part of my job, at least she still has her life. It is very disheartening when our kids pass away.