13 December 2010

Jonathan Richman @ Detroit Bar 12/9/10

Remember that scene in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory where Gene Wilder as Willy is introduced? Wonka meekly walks upon a cane toward the suddenly silent crowd, stops, and does a somersault as his cane stands impossibly behind him. Wonka's masterful entry perfectly mirrors the awe Jonathan Richman inspired at Detroit Bar last Thursday night.

Jonathan Richman is a master of entertainment. After 40 years of writing and performing all around the world this muse has perfected the art of leaving inspiration in his wake. Richman’s empty stare and upturned eyebrows compliment his half-cocked neck and the fact that he is simply holding a Nylon-strung acoustic guitar with no shoulder strap.
Amidst several guitar spins and casual sashays away from his vocal and guitar microphones, Jonathan meekly walks through his songs without flaw. Each one of his songs possesses a quality of freshness, as if he is covering his own songs in a new way just for the moment. Backed by Tommy Larkins, his long-time friend and drummer, Richman plays through an entire set of his light-hearted and often-comical music followed heart-to heart and beat-by-beat by the rest of the room.

Under some strange spell Jonathan walks to the edge of the stage periodically and begins to dance to his own music. When he isn’t dancing he is grabbing his jingle bells or cowbell to ring out some rhythm for his audience. He sings a song in French and also a song in Spanish as if there were any further way to accommodate the audience. In stereo, laughter is heard when a particular verse exposes Richman’s sardonic side and a chorus when a familiar song is played.

During no point of the night is there a break, a distraction, or a moment that allows anyone in the audience to break their concentration from Richman’s far-off gaze. Not often is there a moment in a concert that offers such wonderful simplicity and intimacy on top of the honor to see a true legend perform.
What is Richman’s secret?  Surely anyone can pick up a guitar and sing to impromptu chord structures with an incredible drummer. Well, not really, but what makes the difference from him to anyone else? If I had to guess I would have to say: pure imagination. 

If you want to stay up to date with Richman I stumbled upon his Unofficial Fan Blog that has show dates, fun facts, and other such cool things. 

11 October 2010

Got Justice?

The court fell silent. The news was puzzling, it was so puzzling you could actually hear the jury making their judgments. Considering the status of the defendant, his wealth, and his place in the community his peers weren't sure what do think about such a situation.

He had dipped a doughnut in a glass of milk.

This was not the verdict, no, it was simply a fact. That the morning the crime was committed the defendants alibi was breakfast in his kitchen that very morning. His gardening boots were on the floor near the bar in his kitchen where stood a tall glass of cold milk and a chocolate covered doughnut.

One of the female jury members shrieked through the silence, "It takes an imbecile to dip something in a glass of milk!" Immediately she was placed in contempt of court for interrupting the preceding, but this left the rest of the jury unnerved and unable to come to a conclusion. The dipped doughnut was the crux of the alibi and there was no way to prove it one way or an other.

(Law and Order sound)

To be continued...  ?

10 October 2010

Fall Facelift

So I just wrote an entire post about the new facelift of the blog and then Safari crashed. This is my life.

Well I will try to pick up where I left off... I have been thinking for some time about revamping my rather typical looking blog in to a more streamlined look. This may not be the final face of GetDecked, but I am certainly a step closer. I even included my own quote in the headline. Hey... it is MY blog after all.

Besides... look at the bottom. I have included all of my friend's blogs that I read on a regular basis. If you would like your to be added send me a comment, send an email, come by my FaceBook, write me a tweet @getdecked. However you desire.

I am looking very much forward to writing and interacting with you all a little more. Thank you for stopping by!

15 September 2010

Tattoo this Blog.

Writing prompt: Write about a reality in which the only way to publish a book is on human skin.

This is what I wrote:

Good morning, you have 30 new updates. The shower cycle is: On. Please press: OK to continue your morning routine. Thank you. Calisthenics will begin in 30 seconds.

The morning news fills the room as Jared begins his morning routine. The yellow-green sunrise peaking through the metal shutters never seems to change any more. The faint memory of his grandfather enters his mind as his electronic art hanging in the narrow hallway switches to an image of him reading his favorite book. Jared didn’t know much about books and always maintained a puzzled memory of his grandfather reading.

A familiar clicking sound was beckoning him in the kitchen where his breakfast was made ready for him the minute his shower cycle had finished. His breakfast shake was ready and as soon as he finished he set about his day.

Music surrounds the hallway outside of his apartment. A familiar tune, he thinks to himself, as he hums along and walks to the front of his building. Today is the first day of his new job.

Jared has a new job every three days. Today he will be a Marketing Executive for Billcom, and industrial credit company, that employs only the finest Market Executives. Rehearsing his presentation that he is briefed on while on his way to work, there is a confident air about him and he knows that this job will land him at least 30 points. Fortunately, he thinks to himself, rent is covered for this week.

Immediately he arrives at the docking port for his new job and is greeted by the docking attendant. “Good Morning , Jared Han, please enter your identification card for job verification and office access.”
Swiping his card he can’t help but say aloud, “I don’t think I will ever get used to this.” The robotic doorman’s default response rings as always, “Very good Sir, thank you.”

Billcom was a monolithic structure, one of the new fly-rise buildings on the lower East Quadrant. Since 2045 the buildings have been getting higher and higher off the Terra and a giant like Billcom was one of the highest. Despite its unique enormity the lobby had the same tart citrus smell as every other place he has worked. Fortunately at an Executive level he won’t have to deal with the smell; his office will be his own.

Flashing to attention as he enters his office, three monitors click in to operation mode and begin displaying the Billcom logo and an electronic representation of the CEO’s voice begins.

“Good morning Mr. Han. You will find all of your necessary access codes on the tablet in your lower left-hand drawer. Please enter your access card in to the tablet to begin your morning download. You presentation is expected in 15 minutes. Your tablet will direct you to the appropriate meeting place. Thank you.”

To be continued?? 
(Probably not.)

08 September 2010

The Game Plan

There are moments when all one can do is to escape. Built upon a lifetime of seeking comfort from everything painful teeters the ability to risk and survive. The day when you said something hurtful just to escape. The day you convinced yourself that the world wasn't right for you. Those times when your perfect plans crumble like volcanic ash because of one mistake. Perhaps it was many mistakes. The grueling hours you are forced to wait to apologize. The sleepless nights. The meals you all of a sudden had no taste for. The irony of the fact that your escape plan has led you to a place of exile. You avoided your choices, neglected your freedoms, and sacrificed your hope. Escape is never a plan to live by. Escape is your last option. It is silly to believe that this world is a prison. It is impossible. Everyone holds the keys that unlock doors of personal freedom. All men and women in their own ways must discover these doors. Living as a refugee, constantly trying to escape, hiding your keys and fearing the doors will never lead to freedom. Escape is never a plan to live by. Escape is your last option.

04 August 2010

You to Me

I couldn't make up
I couldn't write down
A story untold
The world around

That special spark
To this smoldering ground
Requiring just me
My smile, my frown

With great torrents of love
Your unshaken faith
Brings solid ground
Where I lay my face

On the track just to hear
The train coming down
I have no need to worry
Since you are around

21 July 2010

Pictures of Me

What will it take to raise the stakes
To release my heart out to the banks
To dive deep in to sweet love's lake
I stop at the shore to contemplate

For all that you are to me
Your eyes make me see
But strangely enough
It is my own eyes that set me free

Full-knowing my doubt and fear
Yet seeing my own face crystal clear
Fearful, dreading, even more
Of love I have never seen before

Not different to you this smile I bring
But to me it is sharp, calm, and comforting
For I above all know the looks of my face
Now blissfully changed and reflecting your grace

17 July 2010


When nothing can explain

No word, verse, or refrain

That I would take your pain

Like the sun takes up the rain

Many things I have had

For only a certain time

Life that is lived is truly life divine

And when what is lost you can no longer find

Hope for peace and quick release the burdens on your mind

For the heart is fickle in its many ways

Changing on a dime or two in hindsight-present haze

And love, not a feeling, but a thought, a gift, a gaze

Closer, farther, sooner, later a path within a maze

25 June 2010

Untitled: Part 1

Spotlight hits the stage as she walks the bulb-lit path. She sashays intentionally towards the the crowded club and draws the microphone near. Swiftly she turns and catches a glimpse of the water condensing on her piano player's Whiskey drink as he hits the downbeat.

Were it only a few years before there would had been no club or spotlight to speak of. The past had nothing remotely musical to offer. Nobody ever said it but really that is why her music was something special. Singing her perseverance, dancing her strength, and projecting her victories by mouthing words of cheap love to a melody. "Rich lungs," her manager says while putting out a cigarette, "she was born with them."

Jazzy rhythms pulse through the crowded club. A glass breaks followed by sarcastic applause of a over-dressed man with a thin mustache at the end of the dim bar. "I hope that was his drink," says the singer, "because that is my applause." He receives the remark sardonically bowing and giving her his half-witted attention.

Swelling and stopping her voice holds captive the moment in time. Beads from her dress tapping at the microphone stand while she masterfully shifts back and forth to the rhythm. Were it simply music the crowd could casually live in yet another night but this night is no longer their own.

16 June 2010

To the Painters

This excerpt was written by Richard Howard from his 1979 book, Misgivings. I wanted to use his words to dedicate attention to the Gulf Oil disaster currently polluting our precious ocean.

On the United States, Considered as a Landscape

Not a building, this earth, not a cage,
these waters: the country is
a body, to be treated so: when
the weather is mild, think
of the past, when the weather is mean,
think of the future. Men do
thus, and evolve a metropolis
from litter: leaves, straw, floating
bottles and boxes, a mainland which,
like anything else, cannot
be made all at once to drop its rags,
suddenly to stand naked,
fully disclosed. Time- it has taken
time to collect in wide pools
even the beginnings, skeleton
and cartilege, arteries
and bladder: if our Sublime cannot
rise above such things as beer
cans and plastic picnic forks, it is
not all we say, it cannot
really be the God in which we trust.

Image borrowed from: http://oceanworld.tamu.edu/resources/oceanography-book/Images/ixtox1.jpg

04 May 2010


Entertain my soul
Through the sounds and the sights
Shine through the depths
Of this tar covered night

28 April 2010

Local Game to Hall of Fame: Plight of the Local Musician

Since the beginning of musicianship the plight of the musician carries almost a mythical air in the realm of professional careers. Composers being selected by kings, virtuosos packing opera houses, masters traveling the world sharing their passions. It is all a fantastic dream of pure expression and world-mending benevolence. But what about the local musicians? When Beethoven was selling out cathedrals who was at the local Brü Haus entertaining everyone else?

Either way, all musicians are entrepreneurs. Some have boards of directors, marketing teams, advertising teams, accountants, tour managers, and those cute people who bring custom M&M's backstage, but the local musician typically doesn't.

History has shown that record labels were the behemoth force behind taking an artist or artists and supplying them with their multi-billion dollar team to ensure world-wide success for each and every one of them. This is still true to a certain extent, but in recent years labels have been scrambling for endorsement money, abusing artists, and suing 13 year old girls for downloading music. Here in lies the plight of the modern musician: the local singer/songwriter movement.

Singer/songwriters are nothing new. The roots of Folk music, Blues, rock, and essentially everything we know and love has stemmed from the scion of the inspired solo artist. Somewhere along the way something changed. The pungent aroma of band culture took over. Rock gods replaced the humble hymns of meaningful lyrics, simple stories, and poems. Electric instruments beckoned hells fire and mounds of cocaine brought a new meaning to the renaissance artistry of the musician. Now as a result we all have anxiety, depression, and another democratic president.

Here enters the local singer/songwriter. Pure entrepreneurship in it most raw form. The local songwriter has tons of marketing tools, distribution tools, and live channels which to send his/her art through. In fact, there are so many musicians sending out so much music that it is impossible to keep track any more outside of a generalized genre of your own personal liking. The only problem for the musician now is making a living in a saturated world market on the brink of complete media overload. There is a chasm that must be crossed from the everyday level of market media to the big leagues or the cathedrals, if you will.

Long story semi-less long: There is a misconception about how local artists make money in this day and age. Most people don't understand that most of them lose money manufacturing CD's, they make dimes off of their merchandise, and some venues barely even pay their bar tabs. Often I hear people asking how they can help local musicians succeed because they are changed, touched, or inspired by their art and I have a few tips.

The best way to support artists is the most fun way. Go to their shows. Packed shows are the life blood of the modern musician. Talk to the artists; get involved with them. Sign the email contact sheet. If you like the music, buy a CD. Go on iTunes and write a short comment. Tell your friends. Rinse and repeat. That is it.

May the best Brü Haus players become Cathedral packing world changers from the ground up.

22 April 2010

Sarah Jaffe- Suburban Nature

Thanks again to CountryMusicPride.com for publishing another one of my reviews! This one is for Sarah Jaffe's newest album due out May 18th called Suburban Nature. A wonderful singer/songwriter album that I immediately enjoyed. Sarah will be touring with Norah Jones and Midlake this year in the US and Europe and just rocked South by Southwest. Great music, give it a listen.

21 April 2010

Hierbajos de Primavera

Los rojos más brillantes,

profundamente lilas,

rosado contra verde

vida y prosperidad sin esfuerzo

Viento con cuidado que pasa

Quitando calor al día asoleado

Familias con sólo diferencias sutiles

un jardín de ellos sin amo

que Cohabita aún tolerando derecho consuetudinario

que Sobrevive silenciosamente entre ellos

La belleza puede estar en el ojo del espectador

Pero la belleza engaña al inculto

Para los hierbajos crecer es tan facil

Engañoso y divisivo

Las raíces atan estas bellas hojas magulladas

Alguna vez más fuertes a la tierra

Su presencia se multiplica rápido

Pálidas, amarillas, y demacradas

Las abejas de miel no necesitan a su flor

sólo existen para ellas

Su sangre de leche nunca se acumula

Miembros de una cuadrilla que usurpan agua y luz.

Puedo considerar este jardín y ver sólo flores

Sin hacer caso de los hierbajos, olvidando su traición

Para disfrutar sólo de lo que es hermoso

Convencido que todas las cosas deben terminar tarde o temprano

Dejando a los hierbajos entre las flores, el trigo y la paja

entre las oveja y las cabras

En este jardín sin amo

No regare este jardín

el suelo permanecerá removido y

este jardín hermoso de primavera todavía permanecerá ( TU PASION)

Pero estos hierbajos tiran de mí

Burlándose de mi entre ellos

Haciendo alarde de sus flores y extensión de su semilla

Lleva a mi corazón la calma porque la belleza puede perderse

Ya Conozco algún hierbajo de una flor

A sus secos escondites y altivas flores

que Vuelan de otros jardines desatendidos y campos olvidados

Mis ojos están abiertos hacia este jardín

de hierbajos de flores

Donde una vez alguien colocó cada planta

Y los Hierbajos entraron sigilosamente entre y por detrás

Hijos e hijas de negligencia y casualidad

Inclinándose ante sus sólidos patriarcas

Sin importarles su entorno

Quedándose con lo que las flores deben compartir

Los hierbajos no tienen ninguna alianza y sólo la independencia

Las flores se reunirían

pueden convencer a cualquier profano de su belleza

ya que aún viven para ellas

Convincentemente agarrando el tronco del hierbajo

Rindiendose su cola como la del lagarto que se escapa bajo tierra

Tiro como puedo de las raíces profundas y fuertes

al menos este jardín sin tantos amos aparenta mejor

Esta primavera.

20 April 2010

Country Music Pride

Please check out my newly published review at Countrymusicpride.com. It is for the Sadies newest album, Darker Circles. An interesting album by a Canadian Alt Country band who just made their previous album with John Doe from the legendary LA punk band, X.

Check out CMP.com and leave a comment if you like the article! Thank you. xoxox

15 April 2010

Spring Weeds

Brightest reds, deep purples, pink against green
Living and thriving effortlessly
Wind gently passing through
Brushing sunny day heat away

Families with only subtle differences
A garden of them with no master
Cohabiting yet abiding common law
Surviving quietly with one another

Beauty may be in the eye of the beholder
But beauty is deceiving to the unlearned
For weeds grow just as easily
Insidious and divisive

Roots tie these bruised leaf beauties
Ever stronger to the ground
Their presence multiplies quick
Dull, yellow, and emaciated

Honey bees have no need for their bloom
They only exist for themselves
Their milky blood ever hoarding
Gangly limbs usurping water and light.

I may look upon this garden
And see only flowers
Ignoring the weeds, forgetting their treachery
To enjoy only what is beautiful

Convinced that all things must end eventually
Leave the weeds amongst the flowers
Wheat and chaff amongst sheep and goats
In this garden with no master

I will not water this garden
The soil will remain unturned
And this beautiful Spring garden
Will still remain

But these weeds pull at me
Mocking me despite themselves
Flaunting their blooms and spreading their seed
Causing my heart to well for what beauty may be lost

For I know a weed from a flower
Their dry hides and lofty blooms
Flying from other untended gardens
And forgotten fields

My eyes are open towards this garden
The weeds amongst the flowers
Where once someone placed each plant
Weeds have crept in between and behind

Sons and daughters of neglect and happenstance
They bow below their sturdy patriarchs
Without care for their surroundings
Taking what the flowers must share

Weeds have no alliance and only independence
Would their blooms be gathered together
They may convince any layman of their beauty
Yet they live unto themselves

Forcefully grabbing the trunk of the weed
It gives up its tail as a slinky lizard it escapes underground
Pull as I may the roots are deep and the roots are strong
This masterless garden at least looks better

This Spring

23 March 2010

Smog Check

Bold green letters say "Pass or Retest" in capitals next to the trapezoid shaped drive-thru.

The partly clouded sky is open enough to let the new Spring sun out on this California day. This typical city in the middle of development is unaffected by the weather. Big Lots is directly across the street in an otherwise unused shopping center next to the main attraction: Del Taco. Small alternative holes in the walls don't seem to get very much business in this square center. Probably because Del Taco has better food quality, at least, that is the word on the street.

Bella's Hair Salon on the opposite side sits solemnly as the last shop in the three store strip. Only looking slightly less bizarre than the geometrically profound Smog Station beside it. Existing in sight by only the rickety marquee that bears the bold red letters of Bella's there are two backward signs only showing white plastic and a proprietary piece of black graffiti. The archaic word "Beepers" can be faintly seen in reverse on the bottom sign that sits just above the marquee's white stucco base.

10 March 2010

Passion to Perfection

Writing for me has typically been a habit that I have kept reserved for moments where I am most distracted. College was the real proof of this. Memories of writing paper after paper with headphones in my ears is mostly what I remember. There were several moments where I would have my laptop glowing in the grandstands of High School football games or on a School Bus somewhere in LA. Imagine, writing a theological exposition on the book of Genesis while there were 1,000 screaming people outside of the South American Jazz blaring in my headphones.

Typically I find myself doing most of my thinking to a soundtrack or some other external occupation. Naturally I am led to think of the few things in my life that force me in the moment to actually focus solely on the task at hand. Working on my VW is one of these things. I have had very few moments in which my meager mechanical skills were required for this task but when it is demanded the music is off and I am engrossed in the oil soaked beast that I love.

Surfing and Cycling are another sole focus or soul focus if you will. Music has no place out in the water or on the road. I find that when I am surfing or cycling I have a rare moment to be completely attentive to the task at hand. They are both relatively extreme sports and demands one's full attention.

Performing music is something of the same in my mind as well. There are so many options for distraction but performing music requires the ability to make the distractions inspirations. Sure, there are moments when the mind drifts and that dude gyrating in the front row triggers a lack of focus, but the best musical performances are nothing like that to me. The best musical performances for me are the ones that take you outside of yourself. All the technical aspects of moving your fingers and projecting your voice become natural extensions of yourself. Kind of like surfing in the dark. Once you are up it is nothing but instinct that moves your arms, your legs, and your voice. Instinct that you have created though years of practice mixed with a magic that only inspiration can bring.

Far too often the monotony of practicing so many different things that you love can be overwhelming. Devotion to any craft takes a certain level of passion and risk and so when I am spread thin there are moments where I have to rely on being distracted once again. Excellence will be demanded of all of us at some point or another whether it is at a concert, in the water with waves and people that demand excellence, or when writing a paper for a good grade.

Find yourself in the distractions you encounter. Limit them and consider them but when push comes to shove be sure to be around people who demand excellence, practice your passions, and enjoy the moments when practice makes perfect.

I constantly try to remember that practice never makes perfect. Never have I met a successful person who has accomplished everything entirely. Success is not stopping it is a continual climb from plateau to plateau.

Breathing is our most practiced activity. Everything else we work on will lead up to our last breath, which I believe will be the first breath of perfection.

05 March 2010

In the Name of Dawn

Crack of light before dawn
Bright light of hope
Traveling in sight and in feel
Outrunning sound

Bone chilling beginning
Moon take that back seat
Drag, drag my heels back

Not the first morning
Not close to last
Change feels colder
Taking cautious steps back

Sunlight always comes
Considering the day
Prideful moonlight
Fades sheepishly away

Decisively run
Despite the black ground
Sprint quick in darkness
Eyes heaven bound

16 February 2010

Only Friend

Defy the temptation of reputation
Classifying individuals is impossible
Arranging judgements like dominos
Secrets only hold together card houses

We break free

Affections shower
Springtime rain
Hear the drops hit grassy blades
See the lines on window panes

We blend

Dominos fall one by one
Anticipation and fun
The cards are on the table

The end

11 February 2010

Hitch's Pre-Valentines Tips

Last night as I was looking for a movie in my small collection found the movie Hitch. I do not know how I acquired this movie, not being a collector of Will Smith movies, or "romantic comedies," but I had an idea. I decided it might be interesting to see what tips Hitch has for the single folk or better yet what tips, Kevin Bisch, the writer of Hitch has for my blog-loving friends.

Please note: all statistics and quotes are directly from the movie. There are no sources or fact checks for any of the below statements. Let your heart decide.

14 Tips from Hitch Himself!

1) No woman wakes up in the morning and says to herself, "God, I hope I don't get swept off my feet today."

2) 60% of all human communication is non-verbal, 30% is your tone, so 90% of what you are saying doesn't come out of your mouth.

3) No matter what, when, or who- any man has a chance to sweep any woman off her feet. He just needs the right broom.

4) You can not use what you do not have. So if you are shy be shy. If you are outgoing be outgoing.

5) "You" is a very fluid concept right now.

6) In case you didn't go to High School hitting is a good thing.

7) 8 out of 10 women believe the first kiss will tell them everything they need to know about the relationship. *This was the only tip repeated twice in the movie.

8) Life is not the amount of breaths you take. It is the moments that take your breath away.

9) With no guile and no game there is no girl.

10) You can't really know where you are going until you know where you've been.

11) Women can always tell when you're not being real with them. Worst thing you can do is try to fake it.

12) Women relate dancing to sex. If she asks you [to dance] you cannot say no. Elbows 6 inches from the waist 90 degree angle. Don't bite your lip. Stop it.

13) The secret to a kiss is to go 90% of the way... and then hold.

14) Because that is what people do. They leap and hope to God they can fly. Because otherwise we just drop like a rock wondering the whole way down: Why the hell did I jump?

So good luck out there tigers! You are now completely love savvy. You have 2 days to bag the person of your dreams. Just don't forget the final tip in Hitch: Basic Principle- There are none. Now that is what I call entertainment.

01 February 2010

Don't Haiti

February is all about the lighter side for me this year. I am going to resist every urge to be a brooding artist, a sullen lover boy and an afflicted fight guy. My pleasure will be in the sublime virtues of our daily lives. Benefit after benefit of practical awe-inspiring benevolence.

This decision has been a long time coming. I have been preparing for months. Defrosting this heart of stone is no easy task. Seriously... I just thought of this last night and it just happened to be the last day of January. I was sitting at my car pondering and I thought something that happened this weekend.

Hate, as I was reminded this weekend, is a very strong word. For instance: I said, "I hated Where the Wild Things Are." That movie was grossly depressing and I don't personally consider depression entertainment. I didn't really hate it; I just didn't like it. Until I was called on that I really did hate it though. I had no good feeling for that little brat or those pathetic monsters. (Even though the CGI looked really cool!)

Haiti was another subject that breeched my thoughts. What has happened in Haiti is undeniably a scene of complete disaster. I can't help but to compare the devastation to that of New Orleans's Hurricane Katrina. Suddenly, my new interest in being positive kicked in. New Orleans went through a terrible disaster, but many amazing progressions have come about since this disaster that benefitted Haiti now during their time of need. Green technology has made a grand entrance in New Orleans. Have you heard of the Trash King of New Orleans?? Have you heard of the Holy Cross Project?

My personal knowledge of New Orleans and even Haiti pre-disaster was quite minimal. However, reading a bit more, both of these places will benefit from these tragic events. Truly, lives lost in horrific fashions, especially those of natural phenomenon, will never be understandable. There is nothing upbeat or positive about that. My hope is that Haiti will now have the support from the world community that it has needed for so long to change. I am also proud to be a part of that change and around people who are driven to lift up the Haitian community.

There are fundraisers in the works. As soon as I get media... it will be posted. Here is to an uplifting and inspirational February!

27 January 2010

Living in Love

Life is constantly starting over and past successes and failures are mountains already climbed.

Earlier last week I caught a blurb on KCRW about entropy and the speaker spoke of it in a personal sense. We often live in routine and create momentum through it. This is our life style: the consistent momentum of our lives. Eventually, many of the directions we move entropy or degenerate. We slow down certain habits or stop them completely. This is a physical cycle. Life within life.

Most people would never know but for 2 or 3 years I have been so overwhelmed within myself. The people I know best know I hide it really well, but I have been a total nervous wreck for a while. Yesterday I realized something: It is OK.

I don't like to use too much pop-psychology but it has been a defense mechanism. A few years ago I made several major changes in my own life, and the shift of momentum is an incredibly difficult phase. Physically momentum takes time and work. Often I see tragedy, mourning and sadness as counterproductive but all of that is work that builds momentum.

The small things are the hardest. For instance: Anyone who knew me 5 years ago would know that I would scoff at the very idea of wearing cowboy boots. Ever. It was all about the skater shoes. So comfortable in my CT IIIs. Vintage clothes were pointless. I could get Hurley shirts for $5 at a warehouse sale. Jeans were jeans. Drinking was either an art or a bad habit, and smoking was out of the question (except for the occasional hookah encounter). My friends were all at church and my life revolved around ministry.

When all of this changed in my life I felt a sense of loss. Loss hurts and so I thought that hating these things about myself would inspire a change. A new me. I moved on by myself to survive. Throughout this process of scowling at my past I met new people and tried new things. All of these while bearing the burden of my past. Refusing to let it go even though I hated it.

Carrying a load of hate crushed me. What I realized only yesterday while outside of Starbucks was that I didn't need to hate anymore. I was wearing my vintage Lees, vintage white V, vintage brown leather jacket and some brown vintage boots smoking a cigarette and it all came to me. My past was awesome, and my present is far greater.

The small things change quickly but relationships are thew hardest work. My people are always number one to me. So to loose relationships that I held so dear was extremely painful, and to live without being able to trust anyone new was a trap. Now I am again surrounded by amazing people and this is my realization. I have people I love again, and the people from my past that I still love I love even more.

My faith. My irreplaceable family. My para-families the Crains, Dishons, and Kernkamps. Were it not for Brian Crain and Billy I would have no sense for clothing (and I would have one less tattoo). If not for Billy I would have given up my dream to play music, and invariably many other dreams. Barrett has added years to my soul through our conversations and Dallas infinitely inspires me. Ryan, Heather, and Andi are my comedic and intellectual muses and the list goes on and on...

Work we do in life creates our momentum over time. Valuing others and working on relationships with people can often seem hopeless, but the fact is that it is always worth it. Even if relationships entropy from time to time it is always worth it.

I am looking forward to living in love again.

21 January 2010

Sea Change

There are very few times when I have seen waves break past the Huntington Beach Pier. I have lived here all my life and have seen a few storms but they usually come and go so quickly that there is never a sense of action. Seemingly most people just become confused, drive really cautiously/dangerously and eventually become annoyed by nature's inconvenience after a day or two.

I only say this because I have felt this way over the last few days. I can't help it, it is in my blood. However, I had a spark of enthusiasm today when my friend Dan mentioned he was going to go check out the waves. You know when I have lived in Santa Ana too long when this didn't even cross my mind during the still of the storm.

It was fantastic. There is nothing like the wind at the end of a pier or on a high hill overlooking the ocean. The sunset was stifled by the storm system that looked like it was sharing its bounty with Catalina Island, but that didn't hamper the sheer nature going on just in front of Ruby's Diner.

20 January 2010

Beloved Friends

Something I am used to, being only potentially wealthy, is managing what little options I have and enjoying the simplicity of discovering the new. This has given me such a love/hate relationship with traveling alone. My first trip to Spain was a solo mission to Zaragoza and talk about limited options. I barely found the train from Madrid and when I did eventually arrive I had no idea where I was and nobody wanted to speak English to me. Being shy myself I was at a loss of communication until my friend Lee showed up for a few days. I loved Zaragoza and the little of Madrid I saw, but honestly what I remember most was my time alone. I had no car, no phone, no friends, and not much money, and this was exhilarating to me.

Now I just arrived a few weeks ago from my second trip to Spain where I was in a similar situation. This time Barcelona. Why Spain you may ask? I have wondered the same thing, but honestly I travel by my gut and, of course, opportunity. Spain has called me twice. This trip was especially fantastic because I was generously hosted by my beloved friend Crissy and my friend Dan was travelling there. We spent the whole two weeks together, with and without Dan, and similarly to my previous trip, it is not the city I remember but the time we spent there.

This trip I learned that people see what they want to see wherever they go. Sure Antoni Gaudí's architecture is beautiful and the Spanish sunrise over the Mediterranean is awe inspiring. Riding bikes through the carefully lit streets and fighting the crowds on las ramblas will always stay in my mind, but those are subtext to me.

I see everyone laughing at Dan while having Fernando's birthday dinner. I see Crissy's tiny dog, Lola, peeing all over the place when I walked in the house for the first time. I see eating grapes while the ball drops on New Years. I see the people I met personally and their unique quirks. There are so many special and unique memories I could write for days.

Many people can have Spain, or anywhere they want, but only I have these friends and these moments. These are my world and they mean the world to me.

So to my beloved friends I say thank you for such precious moments. Each one a journey, an inspiration, and a precious memory.

18 January 2010

GO GO Wiki Heritage!

Ancestry is an important thing. I often think of how much my family line actually affects who I am, how I feel, and where I will go. Is there something distinctively German about me? Do I have Italian feet? Would my hairless chest have been displayed in the Egyptian Pyramids??

First and foremost, I am an American. This for me means I don't know really anything about my ancestry. My extended family is spread out all over the place and I honestly don't know much more then a few of their names. For several years I have wanted to remedy this to no avail, but this will be my first step because this Christmas I got some interesting news... I am Swiss!

As it turns out I am mostly Swiss! One one hand this simplifies my lack of direction when it comes to my heritage, but since Swiss means a lot of things to this American I have decided to Wikipedia Switzerland and see how I fit in with my kinsmen.

Here are 10 reasons why I am proud to be (supposedly) Swiss.

1. My country makes scientific breakthroughs in chocolate. Daniel Peter invented Milk Chocolate in 1875, but I still can't make the jump from good old fashioned dark. I am old school Swiss.

2. Switzerland has been making Pinot Noir since the Romans owned the place. This explains that place in my heart for that beautiful varietal, and all this time I thought it was Paul Giamatti in Sideways.

3. There is a traditional Swiss wrestling-like sport called Schwingen.

4. The Swiss' life expectancy is of the highest in the world: 79 for men and 84 for women. Now I know why I have always felt that live hard and die young could never apply to me.

5. The Swiss don't believe in making things "official." There is no official Religion, no official linguistic identity, and no official allegiance to any other country. Huzzah for intentional neutrality!

6. One of the most widely used sans-serif typefaces in the world, Helvetica, is totally Swiss. Take THAT Tahoma!

7. A variety of the unofficial motto of Switzerland was used in 1844 by the French writer Alexandre Dumas' in his, The Three Musketeers, "One for all, all for one."

8. Even though Switzerland is a place I have never visited. I can still agree, laugh and relate to most of the things on this list.

9. Swiss humor rules. "A line is a dot that went for a walk." -Paul Klee

10. Zürich and Geneva have respectively been ranked as having the second and third highest quality of life in the world. Psh... Mercer Consulting who conducted this study is Canadian owned, I think if the Swiss did this research it would be a bit more accurate.