13 December 2010

Jonathan Richman @ Detroit Bar 12/9/10

Remember that scene in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory where Gene Wilder as Willy is introduced? Wonka meekly walks upon a cane toward the suddenly silent crowd, stops, and does a somersault as his cane stands impossibly behind him. Wonka's masterful entry perfectly mirrors the awe Jonathan Richman inspired at Detroit Bar last Thursday night.

Jonathan Richman is a master of entertainment. After 40 years of writing and performing all around the world this muse has perfected the art of leaving inspiration in his wake. Richman’s empty stare and upturned eyebrows compliment his half-cocked neck and the fact that he is simply holding a Nylon-strung acoustic guitar with no shoulder strap.
Amidst several guitar spins and casual sashays away from his vocal and guitar microphones, Jonathan meekly walks through his songs without flaw. Each one of his songs possesses a quality of freshness, as if he is covering his own songs in a new way just for the moment. Backed by Tommy Larkins, his long-time friend and drummer, Richman plays through an entire set of his light-hearted and often-comical music followed heart-to heart and beat-by-beat by the rest of the room.

Under some strange spell Jonathan walks to the edge of the stage periodically and begins to dance to his own music. When he isn’t dancing he is grabbing his jingle bells or cowbell to ring out some rhythm for his audience. He sings a song in French and also a song in Spanish as if there were any further way to accommodate the audience. In stereo, laughter is heard when a particular verse exposes Richman’s sardonic side and a chorus when a familiar song is played.

During no point of the night is there a break, a distraction, or a moment that allows anyone in the audience to break their concentration from Richman’s far-off gaze. Not often is there a moment in a concert that offers such wonderful simplicity and intimacy on top of the honor to see a true legend perform.
What is Richman’s secret?  Surely anyone can pick up a guitar and sing to impromptu chord structures with an incredible drummer. Well, not really, but what makes the difference from him to anyone else? If I had to guess I would have to say: pure imagination. 

If you want to stay up to date with Richman I stumbled upon his Unofficial Fan Blog that has show dates, fun facts, and other such cool things.