20 February 2008

Cirque du Soul

There once was a place where I grew up. The people always smiled and cheered each other up. They understood a sad world and met together to plan a way to make it happy again. They cried, and yelled, and played their music loud. They protested, lobbied, and threw their money around, but nothing made the world retreat away from its saddened frown. 

I also was one who tried. I realized that deep inside there was so much pain to hide, and so I turned my frown upside down to cheer the world like a depressed clown. I worked, and tried, and strived, and strived, and strived, but instead of making many changes I only increased my pride. 

The people saw my wondrous works and my happy face. They gayly applauded while I laid my life to waste. They loved me but did not see my face. I didn't even know my place. "It didn't matter," I would say, as I continued on to play, "I'll gladly give my life away."  The people knew I was there to stay. They could count on me every day to bring a smile whilst I play. 

They felt they had accomplished their task. That my happiness was not a mask, but a proof of their accomplishment in which they could bask. Their cheers increased in support galore. They held themselves on their shoulders and screamed for more. But they forgot what they were fighting for. The world had since been laid to waste. All the time sadness proving its case. That happiness is foolishness to embrace. I jumped and jeered. I had no fear. Happiness was mine and for all those near. I never even shed a tear for the world which sadness commandeered. 

Until one day it came to me. While crying on the beach. I fell into the proximity of sadness' reach, and I was the spokesman for the saddest piece. The people of whom I gave my smiles were the saddest ones all the while. The saddest are always in denial. I fought this thought with all my heart. I knew there had to be more to this world torn apart. So I devoted my life to studying their smarts. "I will teach all these fools," I swore, "surely they are merely sad because they lost sight of the rules they had!"

So I studied, and spoke, and I worked, and I joked like the happy people I once knew. I wrote volumes of optimistic views, and made good friends who had good news. I became more confused. I thought I had the secrets nailed. How could I avoid the sad and then prevail to be the perfect man they all would hail. They would speak again of my wondrous works, my eternal smile, and my endless perks. And even though I could see our selfish thoughts I would ride them to the top, and never drop until my model of happiness could not be stopped. 

It was working, I would think, I could feel the sadness shrink. So I thought I would call a friend to drink, to celebrate my wondrous works, and share away my special perks. But when I looked through my contact list, I realized all the times I'd missed. The people evaporated like mist, and left me with their sediment. So I toasted to myself. A victory to my personal health, and kept my head up swimming in wealth. 

The next day it happened like the fiercest storm. The premonition proved its scorn as the storm ripped away my hearth. The roof, the floor, and even my bedroom door. The wind swept me up with nothing else, and dropped me battered out of the blue at that happy place that I once knew. I managed still to crack a grin through bleeding lips and bloodied skin, but the people wouldn't let me in. Their hero once was then in need, but they themselves had found a deed more worthy of their special breed. "To be healthy," they would say, "being happy is so passe." So here I lay, an unwanted clown, with dried blood make-up and a natural frown. Neglected, alone, with life unfound.  So I dusted off what was left of my clothes, and walked away feeling justifiably morose. 

I stuck through learning all their rules, and worked wading through their positive drool. I told myself, "I'll be no fool," I would learn the sad world's rules too. So I read some books that changed my view. I met some people that did that too. Yet, I kept my rules hidden out of view so I could play both sides in lieu. It worked for a short time, and I learned some new trades. Instead of waving incense I smoked out my brains, and instead of sacramental wine it was liquor I craved. But then again my whole world caved. 

For seeking to understand, control, and impress it was myself I decided to neglect. I lost my life, my friends, and my will. There was no janitor to clean up the spill. My mother couldn't help nor Dr. Phil. It was me. I'm the one I repressed. My boxed up self restricted to progress. Denied the right to express. My soul melted in its cage, and it left quite a mess. 

Now I am here. In the world of the sad. I hope you don't hate me for the past that I've had. Perhaps we can be friends and make ourselves glad? For an instance, a moment, for one passing fad? Because I know that happiness is real and so is the sad, but neither one really can be eternally had. At least in this place both share this space, and here I am not displaced. For I was here all along. I was born to be healthy and raised to be strong. Not ever again will I dare to long to deny myself to impress those who sing songs. Now I know to facilitate false happiness is undeniably wrong. And as God as my judge I will go on, and I will tell the tale of what went wrong with this clown and his solemn song. 

13 February 2008

Love Actually

Today one of my students, upon mention of my not to distant departure, just yelled out, "WE LOVE YOU JUSTIN!"

 This high school aged guy has been through an incredibly rough life... not only disabled developmentally, but disfigured (looks burned), and emotionally distraught. I don't know any details but he was very likely abused and neglected despite his developmental position... sad as hell. 

But out of all the kids on my bus, even though he can act up from time to time, I know that he simply adores me. I heard what he said quickly and almost immediately began to think of other things, but it was too late, it hit me right between the chest. I savored those words today, and as I fought back tears, as I am now, I wrote this on a paper towel at a red light:

"Love in its fullness is when you don't try to figure anything out. You scream it out at the top of your lungs- just because you do. Love is identity. Love is who you are." 

So often I make myself justify loving others. Just as well I justify disliking others. Based on what I know of them I make my decision. Love, hate, or indifferent. On rare occasion I can immediately love someone or dislike them, or at least feel that way in a short period of time, and never say or do anything about it. What is great about my student is that he has no inhibitions. He will yell love or yell hate depending on how he feels. If only we all could be so honest. If only we could all be so loved. 

If I may borrow a quote from a close friend and an esteemed colleague: 

"We should speak what we feel, not what we ought to say"
~William Shakespeare

Job Search Update

So the job search continued today... 2 terrible interviews down, none to go. The first one was so corporate that I felt underdressed in my Italian Suit, and the second interview was so bogus that I made a decision to not ever call back random companies who "just happen" to find my resume on Monster. 

Interview-wise I felt OK. My tongue was so dry in the first one that I was probably smacking it at the poor HR lady that was doing the initial, and since my hearing  sucks I couldn't tell. I felt very out of place, and distant from who I am and where I want to be. The good news is, however, I knew I would feel that way. This interview was just practice because I knew I didn't want the position anyway. (Starts too early)

The second one was one of those Insurance companies that hires you as a 1099... The kind that don't tell you that until after your second interview and an hour-long presentation on how "amazing " their company is, and how they will make my dreams come true. There was even a guy there who when asked to tell the group, YES GROUP, about himself he said he is ready to "Climb a new summit." OH MY GOD WASTE OF TIME. Stupid. 

So needless to say I felt pretty down about job hunting after today, and it is hard as well having to leave a job that is so fun and familiar. The rewards of driving Special Ed kids goes far beyond monetary compensation, but I just know it is time to leave. 

12 February 2008

"I Just Wasn't Made For These Times"

Tonight I saw such a brilliant performance by Huntington Beach High School's APA program. The Commercial Recording Arts Department has been working together as a band to perform the Beatles Rubber Soul as well as the Beach Boys Pet Sounds. Ya, I know It was a high school ensemble, whatever right? Um no, try there was about 40 people on stage performing the studio vocal parts for both albums in their entirety. Including a 14 piece string ensemble, a horn and flute ensemble, a baritone harmonica, accordion, and even the theremin in "Good Vibrations," which they graciously added a the end of the set. It was amazing.

If you are doing nothing Wed night... tonight now I guess. You should go. APA's Website

The whole show was good, but I couldn't silence the voice of jealousy in the back of my head. These kids are so fricking fortunate to have the experience to perform such amazing works as these at their age. It all struck me while they played the song "I Just Wasn't Made For This Time," even though it was unfamiliar to me, (yes I admit my Beach Boys ignorance) it immediately struck me as the crux of Brian Wilson's lyrical genius.

Striking at the heart of almost every dreamy headed youth. The feeling of not belonging in your era, ultimately the feeling of being misunderstood, or perhaps even more the feeling of not being able to express yourself. I felt like I could relate. Thats one reason why I love my car. It is from a different time. Someone could have listened to Led Zeppelin for the first time in that car. There are a million possibilities, but all of them are connected to the ideal good times I associate with the early 70's. Just like in Pet Sounds how Brian Wilson super-emphasizes the dreams, feelings, and the ideals of what are arguably the greatest years of our lives. Makes me long to be in high school in 1965.

But realistically... The 60's and the 70's were not ideal times for many reasons. Those times yielded many happy and successful people and many sad and unsuccessful people. Just like today. This is what struck me tonight. My success is not determined by the times, the economy, nor other's ideals. My success and happiness is determined by me. So while I may enjoy the wouldn't it be nice type thoughts that the Beach Boys harmonize so angelically, I need to remind myself that I am made for these times. And instead of longing for love unrequited blocked by certain circumstances. Blocked by the way things are. I can go after my success, and enjoy it here and now.

These are not ideal times, but that is OK... ideal times only exist in fiction.

I guess, ironically, this makes it the ideal time for me to move forward in my success. Wish me luck!

08 February 2008

Job Hunt

Looking for a job is exciting... for a while. Making a resume, getting phony emails and funky interviews all kind of suck, but the actual cat and mouse game of seeing what you can get feels a lot like gambling to me. The thing I need to constantly remind myself is that I have the advantages and the aces up my sleeves. I don't NEED to work for X corp, X corp will not make me a happier person, I will not die if I don't get hired at X corp. I am a person first, a professional second, and everything else works itself out nicely... at least when it comes to getting a job. I have a feeling the desperation is what drives many people into situations job-wise that are below them, non advantageous, and static. Some people get lucky or just have enough experience to get in to an established company that is non-static and progressive, and I plan on being one of those people. I'm a lucky guy. All the time. 

04 February 2008

The Times They Are A Changin

Today I informally, but formally, gave my 2 weeks at the bus yard. It is amazing sometimes how my life goes through transition times. It seems that when some things change in my life the change just comes pouring in. Like in order to manage through the changes I experience I am forced to move in new and exciting directions. In retrospect, at least on the day, I feel I have made a wise decision. I do not know where this change will lead me, I do not have another specific job opportunity lined up, but I have a tinge of that old familiar feeling that comes to me often when I am in the face of risk. The mellow river of faith that runs through my mind that continually splashes away thoughts of doubt and insecurity. A river that has grown from a mere stream over time by means of facing adversity, taking risks, and digging in the trenches. Being a bus driver has always been a digging in the trenches sort of experience. Driving always forced me to look beyond my position and to focus on who I am not because of what I do but because of who I am as a individual. Bus driving was a walkabout or more appropriately a driveabout. I was on my own walking through life without the surety of being recognized as successful, and without anyone my age to suffer along with. I was also faced with many crucial options. I could spend my time eating and sleeping, or I could read, write, ponder, walk, and feel. I am so glad I picked a healthy mix of both. I will always look back fondly on my three years as a school bus driver. I have never learned so much in my entire life. The good news is that if I learned that much while I got paid to sleep... I am so excited to see how much I will learn when I get to use what I have learned all the time... hopefully. 

But man am I going to miss hanging out with my Special Ed kids at Edison... 

01 February 2008

Playing Doctor

Going to the doctor really isn't that bad. Having a complete stranger touch you in happy places can lend itself to honest conversations. If nobody else you can't hide anything from your doctor. I figure if you can't express yourself to someone who just juggled your bubbles then who can you talk to? Go get a physical. You might even make a new friend.

Getting blood work done isn't that bad either. However, this morning I was paranoid that by chewing on a flaming hot cheeto I could have disrupted my blood work. (I was supposed to fast). I did fast because I spit out the cheeto, but I was worried that somehow I had swallowed some salt or something. Another thing that was confirmed to me this morning was that taking a shit without going pee is horribly uncomfortable, and takes all joy and relaxation out of the morning duties... stupid urine sample. Shots aren't that bad either. Watching the blood come out of my arm was so fascinating. I do not like the needle, and I won't watch it stick into my vein, but the blood looks super cool. My blood is really dark maroon, the doc said it was the color of healthy blood, only a color that real blood can pull off. I liked it, my handsome blood.

Now that my physical is over I just get to wait. Hopefully there is nothing physically wrong with me, but I wish there was a way I could get a mental physical administered. Perhaps by this hypnotherapist?

Celebration Dinner

I learned last night that salmon, if seasoned well, can be cooked in a pan with olive oil and some sauteed ginger. It actually tastes rather amazing, and is a great resort when you find out your retarded grill is broken. French vanilla yogurt, blueberries, and granola make an amazing desert or breakfast parfait, but don't leave them in the freezer too long or they will be hard-fait. Don't burn green beans, holy heaven that is a nasty smell.

Congrats to my girl Leslie for landing an awesome job!!