11 October 2010

Got Justice?

The court fell silent. The news was puzzling, it was so puzzling you could actually hear the jury making their judgments. Considering the status of the defendant, his wealth, and his place in the community his peers weren't sure what do think about such a situation.

He had dipped a doughnut in a glass of milk.

This was not the verdict, no, it was simply a fact. That the morning the crime was committed the defendants alibi was breakfast in his kitchen that very morning. His gardening boots were on the floor near the bar in his kitchen where stood a tall glass of cold milk and a chocolate covered doughnut.

One of the female jury members shrieked through the silence, "It takes an imbecile to dip something in a glass of milk!" Immediately she was placed in contempt of court for interrupting the preceding, but this left the rest of the jury unnerved and unable to come to a conclusion. The dipped doughnut was the crux of the alibi and there was no way to prove it one way or an other.

(Law and Order sound)

To be continued...  ?

10 October 2010

Fall Facelift

So I just wrote an entire post about the new facelift of the blog and then Safari crashed. This is my life.

Well I will try to pick up where I left off... I have been thinking for some time about revamping my rather typical looking blog in to a more streamlined look. This may not be the final face of GetDecked, but I am certainly a step closer. I even included my own quote in the headline. Hey... it is MY blog after all.

Besides... look at the bottom. I have included all of my friend's blogs that I read on a regular basis. If you would like your to be added send me a comment, send an email, come by my FaceBook, write me a tweet @getdecked. However you desire.

I am looking very much forward to writing and interacting with you all a little more. Thank you for stopping by!