19 September 2009

Forever Swing

You poor thing
Living in pain
Twisting every ray of sun
In to cold ruthless rain

You tortured soul
Digging your hole
Tying each moment
With desperate control

That song you sing
While you swing
You took it all
You poor little thing

15 September 2009

Reflections by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

On the surface of a swift-flowing stream the reflections of things near or far are always indistinct; even if the water is clear and has no foam, reflections in the constant stream of ripples, the restless kaleidoscope of water, are still uncertain, vague, incomprehensible.

Only when the water has flowed down river after river and reaches a broad, calm estuary or comes to rest in some backwater or a small, still lake- only then can we see in its mirrorlike smoothness every leaf of a tree on the bank, every wisp of a cloud, and the deep blue expanse of the sky.

It is the same with our lives. If so far we have been unable to see clearly or to reflect the eternal lineaments of truth, is it not because we too are still moving towards some end- because we are still alive?

02 September 2009

Besitos y Abrazos

It was as if we disappeared when we kissed. When we danced we were the only ones at the party and the music was only the sound of our laughter. Each step we took was pure attraction like two magnets spinning pushing each other away and then pulling back. I could have sat on the well for hours. I forgot where I was and if it weren't for the applause I might still be there. How symbolic to kiss on a well- the source of pure water. How symbolic for friends to applaud our love before they understand it. There was something beaming from us that commanded applause. Something true. A pure spring of love in a world that is dry as the desert.