02 April 2009

Today's DC Memories

The World You Love- Jimmy Eat World
The perfect song for this trip. My iPod on shuffle always knows... always. 

Seven Caged Tigers- Stone Temple Pilots
Thinking, damn this is such a good jam as I waltzed in to the National Gallery.

Vicarious- Tool
While eating lunch in the National Gallery. Families chatting, kids, grandmas, and happy museum type atmosphere. While I was listening to this tasty number straight from the bowels of hell. Shaina would be proud. 

Ain't no Mountain High Enough- Michael McDonald version
After finishing lunch in the cafe at the National Gallery... Then I was interrupted twice for drinking water while on the moving sidewalk... I can have the water in my pocket but I can't drink it? 

Ballad of the Beaconsfield Miners- Foo Fighters
Snickering to myself that I knew who was playing this song despite the fact that it is an uncharacteristic Foo Fighters number. 

Gravity- John Mayer
Walking down the stretch of Cherry Blossomed road between the National gallery and the Capitol building. 

Bold as Love- Jimi Hendrix
As I looked up at our Capitol Building in awe.

My Girl- The Temptations

A Summer Song- Chad & Jeremy
Taking pictures of the outside of Union Station avoiding a homeless guy that was trying to bum a cigarette.

End of the Day- Beck
Gazing at the behemoth arches within Union Station half jealous that DC's is way cooler then LA's. 

Policy of Truth- Depeche Mode
After Leaving Union Station with a large Chocolate chip cookie and a bottled water. 

Slow Dancing in a Burning Room- John Mayer
After explaining to the cabby that I want to go to the place with the flame... the place by the Potomac? Where Kennedy is buried?? YES... Arlington Cemetery. 

Maria- Dave Brubeck
Heard the birds singing in between the breaks. 

Plateau- Nirvana
While taking a leak at Arlington Cemetery 

Lost?- Coldplay
Not a bad compliment to FDR's memorial. "Be sincere; be brief; be seated." FDR

Mr. Pleasant- The Kinks
An encouragement to accept the fact that it is OK to be rude to people, not listen to them, nor ask them about their lives... especially when they stand in front of you as you snap a picture.

Give it Away Now- Red Hot Chili Peppers
Not peaceful, but always brings a smile and air drumming while walking through torrents of tourists. 

The Wall- Kansas
The perfect neo-classical rock ballad to listen to while you approach something as neo-classical and rocking as Thomas Jefferson's memorial. 

I am the Highway- Audioslave
While walking toward the Washington Memorial with Jefferson to my left amidst hundreds of cherry blossomed trees.